Keine Story von Fürstentum Liechtenstein mehr verpassen.
  • 11.09.2008 – 13:11

    Press release from the Princely House

    Vaduz (ots) - On 11 September, some media cited a June 2008 letter by H.S.H. the Reigning Prince of Liechtenstein declining participation in the exhibition "Looting and Restitution" at the Jewish Museum Berlin. With his private and personal letter to the Director of the Museum, W. Michael Blumenthal, Reigning Prince Hans-Adam II in no way intended to belittle the atrocious events of the Third Reich. Rather, the ...

  • 27.08.2008 – 11:32

    Publication of the new law governing Liechtenstein foundations

    Vaduz (ots) - The revision of the law governing Liechtenstein foundations was adopted by Parliament on 26 June 2008 and - now that the referendum period has expired without a referendum being called (31 July 2008) - will enter into force on 1 April 2009. Official publication in the national newspapers is on 26 August 2008. From that date on, the text of the ...