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  • 11.02.2013 – 13:35

    ICO and KfW sign cooperation agreement to promote the exchange of personnel

    Frankfurt (ots) - Today, Román Escolano, Chairman of the Spanish Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), and Dr Ulrich Schröder, CEO of the German KfW Bankengruppe (KfW), signed a cooperation agreement in Frankfurt. The agreement aims to renew and expand the exchange of personnel and experts between the two specialised credit institutions. "The signing of this agreement ...

  • 30.01.2013 – 11:00

    KfW promotion provides stability in a difficult financial and economic environment

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Promotional volume of EUR 73.4 billion with continuing high demand - Increase of SME financing (+7%) - Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment with record volume (+52%) - 40% of promotional activities for environmental and climate protection - Continuation of modernisation process In 2012 KfW Bankengruppe extended a total financing volume of ...

  • 11.11.2003 – 12:00

    Holding arrangement concluded between KfW and German Federal government

    Frankfurt/Main (ots) - In the context of a further holding arrangement KfW yesterday acquired shares of Deutsche Telekom AG (Telekom) and Deutsche Post (Post) from the German Federal government. The arrangement covers altogether 4.7 % (approximately 199 million shares) of the share capital of Telekom and 30 % (approximately 334 million shares) of the Post. As a ...