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Fürstentum Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein and the United States take their bilateral cooperation to a new level

Vaduz (ots)

The first Strategic and Economic Partnership Dialogue between Liechtenstein and the United States took place in Washington D.C. on 22 October. The talks centred on economic and security policy cooperation between the two countries. The new dialogue format is the result of several years of intensive and close cooperation between the two countries. The first edition of the partnership dialogue was expressly acknowledged with a meeting between the US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, and Liechtenstein Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler. A joint statement was published as a result of the first partnership dialogue

During the meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler emphasised the importance of the exchange with the United States for Liechtenstein and acknowledged the dialogue as a further important step in the expansion of Liechtenstein's partnership with the United States. "Especially in times like these, characterised by geopolitical shifts, the close exchange with like-minded partners is of particular importance for Liechtenstein," Foreign Minister Hasler stated. The dialogue format, that has now been established on an ongoing basis, enables Liechtenstein to exchange views with the US on security-related developments and to raise strategic and economic policy concerns on a new regular basis.

Focus on cooperation in security policy and the economy

The first edition of the partnership dialogue on 22 October focused on economic cooperation between the two countries in addition to an exchange on various aspects of security policy. The Liechtenstein delegation reiterated its desire for a double taxation agreement with the US and explained how both sides would benefit from a further intensification of the already close bilateral economic relations. In light of current events, the US congratulated Liechtenstein on its accession to the International Monetary Fund and welcomed the step as an important element in strengthening Liechtenstein's position as a business location and further multilateral integration.

Liechtenstein took part in the partnership dialogue with a high-ranking delegation of representatives from the Ministries of Finance, Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs. The USA was also represented at a high level in the new dialogue format by various departments of the US administration. Scott Miller, the US Ambassador to Liechtenstein and Switzerland, also participated. The composition of the US delegation reflected the excellent cooperation with the US both in Washington and with the US Embassy in Bern. As a result of the first partnership dialogue, Liechtenstein and the US have published a joint statement acknowledging the strong and growing partnership (

The partnership dialogue is based on a Memorandum of Understanding signed between Liechtenstein and the US in August 2024. With the memorandum, the two countries committed to regular meetings at senior official level and an even closer exchange on topics of bilateral, global and multilateral interest. The partnership dialogue is the result of Liechtenstein's long-standing and intensive cooperation between Liechtenstein and the US. The next edition of the dialogue is expected to take place in Liechtenstein in 2026.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport
Martin Frick, Director, Office for Foreign Affairs
T +423 236 60 58

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