Share in offshore wind farm
Bern (ots)
BKW FMB Energy Ltd (BKW) has acquired a stake in the Trianel Borkum West II offshore wind farm in the North Sea off Germany. On completion, the wind farm of the European network of municipal utilities, headquartered in Aachen, will boast a total capacity of 400 MW. In a first step, the project plans to build a 200-Megawatt (MW) facility which will go into operation from 2012. The second phase is scheduled for commissioning in 2013. Thanks to its stake, BKW will be entitled to up to 10 MW of the capacity of Borkum West II offshore wind farm during the first phase.
Borkum West II wind farm already has a valid licence, and in the first phase will be equipped with 40 5-MW wind turbines. Starting in 2012, these will operate 45 kilometers off the coast and generate around 720 GWh of electricity per year. The electricity produced will be transmitted onshore by a direct-current underwater cable.
BKW is aiming to build up a wind power portfolio of around 750 MW over the next few years, the bulk of which is to be constructed on land. In future, the use of offshore wind power will play a key role in the European energy mix, particularly since favourable on-shore locations are becoming increasingly scarce. The share in Borkum West II will allow BKW to expand its valuable construction and operating expertise in forward-looking offshore power technology.
Antonio Sommavilla
031 330 51 07