Cost reduction programme Implementation of personnel measures
Bern (ots)
With the consultation procedure with social partners now concluded, the BKW Group has finalised decisions on the personnel and organisational measures to be implemented as part of the cost reduction programme announced in December 2011. The workforce will reduced in phases by around 255 jobs and across all divisions and subsidiaries, wherever possible through natural fluctuation and early retirement options.
The job cuts affect the individual divisions as follows: Corporate Steering, Finance and Services, around 60 jobs; Energy Switzerland around 80 jobs; and Energy International and Trading around 30 jobs. Around 30 more jobs will be shed Groupwide. Thirty-five of the targeted 55 jobs have already been shed at the Networks Division. Sixty jobs have already been shed across the Group by not filling vacancies, and 25 jobs will be cut in the first quarter of 2012 through early retirements and redundancies. Organisational measures will be implemented to simplify interfaces with the subsidiaries and to eliminate duplication. Employees of EWR Energie AG and Elektrizitätswerk Grindelwald AG will be largely integrated in BKW. Given the market trend and the as yet inadequate profitability of some technologies for complementary power production, sol-E Suisse AG will concentrate its activities primarily on small hydroelectric power plants, wind power and heating supplies: businesses which are already being intensively pursued. New business models will be developed for photovoltaic, geothermal and head/power cogeneration technologies.
BKW FMB Energy Ltd.
Media Communications
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