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Loterie Romande

224.7 million francs to support social action, sport and culture

Lausanne (ots)

For over a year now, many associations and bodies involved in the areas of social welfare, sport and culture have been battling to deal with repercussions from the public-health crisis. In response to this challenging predicament, Loterie Romande is delighted to announce it will be distributing CHF 224.7 million for public-interest projects, on a par with the figure for the previous year, even though sections of its sales network were totally shut down for several months. Associations that benefit are cornerstone organisations in our society and will once again be able to rely on vital support from Loterie Romande which has drawn exceptionally on reserves set aside in the past.

On Friday 28th May, Loterie Romande's General Assembly approved the company's 2020 operating accounts. In 2020, gross gaming revenues (GGR), i.e. the amount of money staked less winnings paid out to players, totalled CHF 374 million. To keep up the high level of financial backing delivered to beneficiaries who have had to cope with many difficulties, Loterie Romande's Board of Directors decided to mobilise part of the company's reserves, with operating profits being topped up by CHF 8.3 million francs. As a result, Loterie Romande is pleased it can make a total of CHF 224.7 million available for public-interest projects. "During this tough time," Jean-René Fournier, Loterie Romande's Chairman commented, "Loterie Romande has reaffirmed its solidarity with thousands of associations and bodies working for the good of the community in French-speaking Switzerland."

After distributing a sum of CHF 11.1 million to national sports bodies (Swiss Olympic; Swiss Football Association; national football and ice-hockey leagues) and a further CHF 3 million to the Swiss horse-racing federation [(Fédération suisse de course de chevaux (FSC)], the bulk of the profits, some CHF 179.7 million, will make it feasible to allocate funding to a whole host of projects in the areas of social action, culture, education, research, heritage and the environment in Switzerland's French-speaking region. A sizeable slice of the profits, some CHF 30.9 million, is set to be paid out to amateur and grassroots sport (infrastructure, up-and-coming sporting talent, local events).

Exceptional help for over 800 cafés, bars and restaurants

In order to provide support for the hospitality sector which has been uncommonly hard hit by the economic and business fallout from the public-health crisis, Loterie Romande granted exceptional financial assistance to all those cafés, bars and restaurants that distribute its games. All told, by the end of May 2021, a sum of 3.5 million francs had been disbursed to over 800 cafés, bars and restaurants that are sales partners in French-speaking Switzerland. On top of that, Loterie Romande also paid out CHF 70.1 million in commission fees in 2020 to the 2,400 or so retailers who distribute its games, thereby making a considerable contribution to neighbourhood businesses and the local economy.

Protection for players further strengthened

As of 1st January 2021, the Swiss Gambling Concordat [Concordat sur les jeux d'argent au niveau suisse (CJA)], the Agreement for French-speaking Switzerland on gambling [Convention romande sur les jeux d'argent (CORJA)] and implementing legislation at cantonal level came into force. According to this new legal and regulatory framework, Loterie Romande is designated as the exclusive licensee for operating lottery games and organising betting on sports in the six French-speaking Swiss cantons. As such, Loterie Romande was awarded the operator licence by the Swiss Gambling Supervisory Authority (GESPA) for a period of 20 years. Loterie Romande has thus demonstrated that it completely fulfils the requirements stipulated in the Swiss Federal Gambling Act, particularly with regard to security and protection of the population against dangers posed by gambling.

All this is enabling Loterie Romande to continue providing a gaming environment for players that is both responsible and attractive, so it can guarantee a sustainable long-term stream of profits for good causes.


Jean-René Fournier, Chairman, +41 79 690 09 98,
Jean-Luc Moner-Banet, CEO, +41 79 310 78 69,