rail.ch: the online station
Ein Dokument
Bern (ots)
The SBB website presents itself in a complete redesign as ?the online station?. We took direction from the needs and wishes of various stakeholders: our passengers, market requirements and passengers with handicaps, along with the findings of ex-tensive usability tests. Based on all these factors, we implemented the following key points: ticket purchases within three clicks, a clearer navigation, ?find instead of search?, electronic vouchers and improved display on mobile phones. And be sure to check out the SBB Widgets. This useful little helper opens the online timetable from every page and displays the SBB clock.
Why a new website? The previous version had grown over the years and was no longer based on the latest technology. The requirements of a modern website have increased tre-mendously, as illustrated by such keywords as broadband, mobile apps, Web 2.0 and social media.
With the realisation of the new website under the motto ?the online station?, the customer remains the consistent focus. The new version features uniform design, provides appealing content within a clear structure and enables quick and easy navigation. At the same time, a new web content management system (WCMS) was introduced for managing the site con-tents. This process also involved updating the systems for the online timetable and the SBB Ticket Shop. In the new WCMS, 25 formerly independent domains were brought together. For our users, this results in a navigation free from media transfer problems.
Further information about the new SBB website can be downloaded as PDF-File under:
Swiss Federal Railways SBB
Central Communications Department
Hochschulstrasse 6
CH-3000 Bern 65
Tel.: +41/51/220'41'11
Fax: +41/51/220'43'58