Fédération des Barreaux d'Europe (FBE)
Denial of the Guantanamo detainees' fundamental human rights: Resolution adopted unanimously by the European Bars Federation (FBE)
Ein Dokument
Lausanne (ots)
Note: The Resolution can be downloaded free of charge following this link: www.newsaktuell.ch/d/story.htx?nr=100475710
RESOLUTION: The European Bars Federation, General Assembly in Lyon 29th May 2004:
Having taken note that the current US administration has created a centre for interrogation in Guantanamo where there are no limits on the period of detention and where the detainees are prevented from taking proceedings before a proper court by which the lawfulness of their detention might be judged
The European Bars Federation (FBE) expresses its deep concern about the denial of fundamental human rights to the prisoners in Guantanamo. The European Bars Federation therefore urges the US administration not to deny the prisoners the protection of the most fundamental humanitarian principles of international public law.
Accordingly, the European Bars Federation demands:
- that the detainees in Guantanamo should either be charged with a criminal offence or released, - that all accusations against the detainees should be decided by an independent court with the possibility of a recourse to an ordinary court, - that all detainees should have access to legal assistance and shall have the right to be represented by independent lawyers of their own choosing.
The European Bars Federation is an organisation grouping all Bars from any member State of the Council of Europe.
In addition to safeguarding the legal profession's fundamental values, its aim is to promote the Supremacy of the law, the independence of justice, the right to a fair trial and human rights generally.
The FBE consists of 145 Bars of 19 European countries. It represents more than 400'000 European lawyers. The resolution above was adopted unanimously.
Jean-Pierre GROSS
Immediate Past President of the
European Bars Federation
20, Avenue des Mousquines
Case Postale 31
CH-1000 Lausanne 5
Tel. +41/21/320'22'65
Fax +41/21/320'22'78
E-Mail: jpgross@gross-law.ch
Internet: http://www.fbe.org