euro adhoc: arxes NCC AG
arxes NCC AG reduces liabilities in the
fourth quarter (E)
Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Cologne, 22th of June 2004
- Repatriation of long-term loans amounting to EUR 3.0 million - Equity ratio increased to 36%
In the run-up to a planned disposal of real estate in Aachen, arxes NCC AG announced that the company had reduced long-term bank loans by EUR 3 million. The ahead-of-schedule repayment of these loans, which were taken out to finance construction work, has led to a EUR 3 million reduction in liquid assets, which are EUR 4.2 million in the fourth quarter of current fiscal year. Even after the liabilities have been repaid in full the Group will still have ample liquid assets and will be in a position to implement all planned projects and investments.
The reduction of the Groups liabilities will enable arxes to achieve two results: first, interest costs for the next fiscal year (2004/05) will be reduced by approx. EUR 100,000; second, the Groups equity ratio will be increased to 36% (March 31, 2004: 30.8%) in conjunction with a reduction of total assets by EUR 27 million to EUR 24 million. Shareholder equity per share is EUR 0.89.
arxes NCC Group plans to conclude fiscal year 2003/04 with total sales of EUR 48-50 million. The net operating margin is anticipated to be 5%.
End of ad hoc-announcement.
arxes Network Communication Consulting AG: arxes NCC provides IT services comprising IT consultancy, planning, realization and operating client/server-systems and networks. arxes core competences range from migration, security, storage and VPN to a multitude of outsourcing services. Based on IT infrastructure analysis, arxes aims to help customers cut down operating expenses for peripheral client/server applications and IT networks by standardization and consolidation. The Groups IT service is characterized by a high degree of system automation, and it operates on the basis of process-oriented IT service management in accordance with ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library). arxes NCC Holding AG reports sales of approximatley EUR 50 million in fiscal 2003/04 (June 30). The holding currently employs 560 people. arxes group, comprising arxes NCC AG, one affiliated company and three minority participations, employs approximately 700 people and reports turnover of approximately EUR 67 million in fiscal 2003/04 (June 30).
end of announcement euro adhoc 22.06.2004
Further inquiry note:
For further information, please contact arxes Investor Relations on
+49 221/964 86-0, fax: +49 221/964 86-202,,
Branche: Online
ISIN: DE0005098008
WKN: 509800
Index: General Standard
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bremer Wertpapierbörse (BWB) / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade