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WINCOR NIXDORF Aktiengesellschaft

euro adhoc: Wincor Nixdorf Aktiengesellschaft
Dividend Announcements/Distribution
Ad hoc release: Dividend proposal by Wincor Nixdorf AG: Supervisory Board and Board of Directors put forward proposal to AGM for dividend increase to EUR2.73

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
Paderborn, November 27, 2007 - Wincor Nixdorf AG (ticker symbol: WIN)
shareholders are to receive a dividend of EUR2.73 per entitled 
no-par-value share ("Stückaktie") for the 2006/2007 fiscal year. The 
recommendation by the Board of Directors to be put forward as a 
proposal to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on January 28,
2008, was today approved by the company's Supervisory Board. Thus, 
the dividend to be paid by Wincor Nixdorf AG will rise by 95 percent 
compared with the previous year. The total amount to be distributed 
as part of the proposed dividend payment is approx. EUR88 million.
The proposal is in line with the dividend policy announced by Wincor 
Nixdorf AG prior to the company's initial public offering in 2004. 
According to this policy, around half of the cash net income (net 
profit for the year adjusted for the earnings effect of the carve-out
from Siemens) generated by the Group over the course of a fiscal year
is to be paid as a dividend. In the fiscal year just ended this 
corresponds to EUR1.83 (2005/2006: EUR1.40, having accounted for the 
stock split) of the total dividend payment planned by the company. 
Thus, the comparable dividend per no-par-value share will rise by 
around 31 percent year on year.
Beyond this, the above-mentioned dividend proposal of EUR2.73 
includes a special dividend of EUR0.90 per no-par-value share. This 
amount represents the full distribution of funds held within the tax 
reserve account, which has thus been made available to shareholders. 
Within this context, the conclusion of a profit and loss transfer 
agreement is now considered appropriate; the latter will also be put 
to the vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
The total dividend payable per entitled share thus amounts to 
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 27.11.2007 15:11:02

Further inquiry note:

Pia-Maria Görner
Tel.: +49 (0) 5152 693 5214

Branche: Computing & Information Technology
Index: Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Hamburg / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Hannover / free trade
Börse München / free trade
Börse Berlin / regulated dealing
Börse Düsseldorf / regulated dealing

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