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voestalpine AG

EANS-News: voestalpine achieves its best quarterly results since the onset of the financial crisis*

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

Quarterly Report

Linz - In an economic environment, which was characterized by positive growth in
Europe and Asia as well as a moderate upward trend in North America, which was
however accompanied by considerable uncertainties, voestalpine achieved new peak
levels of its operational earnings in the first quarter of the business year
2017/18 since the onset of the financial crisis:*

* Turnover: EUR 3.3 bn. (+17% yoy)
* EBITDA: EUR 514 mn. (+54% yoy)
* EBIT: EUR 329 mn. (+96% yoy)

With this development, voestalpine Group was able to level up its earnings in a
solid, but not exceptional economic environment to a level yet only seen in the
extraordinary boom period before "Lehman", by successfully implementing its
high-tech / high-quality growth strategy globally.

The positive development in the first quarter of the business year 2017/18 was
based on unchanged strong demand for products, components and systems made of
steel and other metals in the strategic core segments automotive and aviation
industry but also in the consumer goods and mechanical engineering industries,
whereas the oil and gas segment, despite some improvement, was still confronted
with a restrained pricing environment. Investments in railway infrastructure
differed globally substantially.

In terms of earnings, following the excellent first quarter we expect the second
quarter to be characterized by continued strong demand as well as by seasonal
effects (production cutbacks due to regular summer plant closures). Individual
industries traditionally try to put pressure on the margins during this period
even though demand remains solid. Contrary to the summer months in years past,
this should not have a fundamental effect on the positive earnings in the first
six months of 2017/18, given the current market environment which is seeing
substantial growth, but it does not allow for reliable forecasts on the
development of the year's second half before the end of the second quarter-
especially with respect to the ongoing volatility of raw materials prices.
Irrespective thereof, based on the figures for the first quarter the
substantially positive development in both revenue and earnings that is expected
for the business year 2017/18 compared to the previous year seems to be secure.

*) On clean basis: Excluding non-recurring items from changes of consolidation
in the first quarter of the business year 2015/16.


                                 Q 1 2016/17      Q 1 2017/18
In millions of euros             04/01-06/30/2016 04/01-06/30/2017 Change in %
Revenue                          2,772.4          3,251.5          17.3
EBITDA                           333.9            513.8            53.9
EBITDA margin                    12.0%            15.8%
EBIT                             167.6            328.8            96.2
EBIT margin                      6.0%             10.1%
Profit before tax                138.9            292.4            110.5
Profit after tax                 105.8            218.4            106.4
EPS - Earnings per share (euros) 0.58             1.18             103.4
Gearing ratio in % (06/30)       55.9             53.8

Further details on the 1st quarter results 2017/18 are available on our homepage [] or feel free to contact the
Investor Relations team +43/50304/15-9949.

Further inquiry note:
DI Peter Fleischer
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +43/50304/15-9949

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       voestalpine AG
              voestalpine-Straße  1
              A-4020 Linz
phone:        +43 50304/15-9949
FAX:          +43 50304/55-5581
ISIN:         AT0000937503
indexes:      WBI, ATX
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English

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