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Zumtobel AG

euro adhoc: Zumtobel AG
Share repurchase program

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Publication of a planned share repurchase program
3 July 2006
On 7 April 2006, the shareholders' meeting  authorized  the  Managing
Board  of ZUMTOBEL AG, subject to the consent of the Supervisory
Board, to repurchase  own shares of up to 10% of the share capital at
a minimum  price  of  EUR  5  and  a maximum price of EUR 50 per
share within 18 months and pursuant  to  Section  65 para 1 No 4 AktG
and Section 65 para 1a AktG. The Managing Board may resell  the
shares via the stock exchange or by means of a public offer whereby
trading  in own shares is prohibited. Shares may be disposed in
another  way  provided  they are  used  to  cover  options  exercised
by  participants   in   the   employee participation program. There
has been no  prior  separate  publication  of  such authorization by
the shareholders' meeting since ZUMTOBEL AG was not  listed  at that
On 29 June 2006, the Managing Board of ZUMTOBEL AG decided with the
consent  of the Supervisory Board to repurchase own shares based on
above  authorization  by the shareholders' meeting.
Purpose of the repurchase: Allocation of shares to cover stock
options  granted to employees, members of the Managing  Board  and
certain  executive  staff  of ZUMTOBEL AG or affiliated companies.
Number and distribution of shares in the employee participation
program:  Under the employee participation program the  beneficiary
may  upon  exercise  of  an option either (i) acquire one share at
the applicable  exercise  price  or  (ii) opt to receive shares
(without extra payment) with a value corresponding to  the net value
of the difference between the market  price  and  the  exercise
price (after deduction of income tax and other  duties).  Options
are  granted  on  a yearly basis. 50% of the allocation of options
are dependent on the  beneficiary being employed with the company or
an  affiliated  company  in  the  respective fiscal year. 50% are
dependent on the  increase  of  the  market  price  of  the shares.
Options are not transferable. The overall maximum number of  options
is 1,325,136.
Options may be exercised for the first time after the  publication
by  ZUMTOBEL AG of its quarterly report for the second quarter of its
fiscal  year  2006/2007 (planned for 7 December 2006). Thereafter,
options may be exercised  up  to  and including 30 April 2015 in
exercise  slots  following  the  publication  by  the company of its
quarterly  reports.  There  is  no  holding  period  for  shares
acquired upon the exercise of options.
The number and distribution of options granted or to be granted is as
ZUMTOBEL AG Options as of 29/6/2006
GJ            2004         2005         2006
 BoD             50.000       39.600       76.400
 Rest           123.388       91.908      206.780
 TOTAL          173.388      131.508      283.180
 GJ            2007         2007          2008         2008
               affiliated   performance   affiliated   performance
               options      options       options      options
 BoD            93.000       33.000        33.000       33.000
 Rest           90.520       90.520        90.520       90.520
 TOTAL         183.520      123.520       123.520      123.520
Term of the repurchase program: 6 July 2006 until 31 October 2006.
Category of shares: No-par value bearer shares (ISIN: AT0000837307).
Maximum amount of shares to be repurchased: up to 1,000,000 no-par
value  bearer shares, corresponding to approx. 2,2 % of the share
capital. Consideration per share: maximum EUR 20,50. Way of
acquisition: Vienna Stock Exchange.
The  repurchase  of  shares  will  be  administered  by  MORGAN
STANLEY  &  CO. INTERNATIONAL  LIMITED  which  will  decide  on  the
moment  of  a   repurchase independently from and irrespectively of
the company and in accordance with  the safe harbor provision  of
Section  48e  para  6  Austrian  Stock  Exchange  Act (BörseG) in
connection with the  Commission  Regulation  (EC)  2273/2003  of  22
December 2003.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 03.07.2006 16:25:18

Further inquiry note:

Christian Hogenmüller
Investor Relations
Zumtobel AG
Höchster Str. 8
A-6850 Dornbirn
Tel.: +43-5572-509 506

Astrid Kühn-Ulrich
Corporate Communications
Zumtobel AG
Höchster Str. 8
A-6850 Dornbirn
Tel.: +43-5572-509 1570

Branche: Semiconductors & active components
ISIN: AT000837307
Index: ATX Prime, WBI
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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