United Mobile Liechtenstein AG
The "Face of United Mobile" via eBay
Kloten (ots)
- Cross-reference: A picture is available at http://www.presseportal.ch/de/story.htx?firmaid=100010546 -
- Swiss mobile telephony provider United Mobile makes Sandra Romero its new calling card, via an eBay auction, for a soon to be launched ad campaign
In keeping with the motto "Auction your fame" the Swiss mobile telephony provider United Mobile advertised for models on eBay for the company's international advertising campaign. United Mobile was looking for a female model that would embody the company's corporate identity for a unique worldwide mobile telephony offering aimed at world travelers. The company was deluged with applications, but 35 year old Sandra Romero from Maracay, Venezuela got the nod. The professional photo shoot that was held this past July 31 showed that Ms. Romero (who now makes her home in Lubeck, Germany) not only has the right stuff from a physical standpoint, but that she has acquired an impressive amount of photo shoot, runway, and acting credentials. The campaign, featuring the highly expressive and congenial "Face of United Mobile," will be launched toward the end of the summer.
The proceeds from the eBay auction were donated to the international children's charity World Vision. In addition to the United Mobile donation, a EUR1000 check was presented to WorldVision Germany's Georg Kessler by United Mobile CEO and president Sven Donhuysen during the July 31 shoot CEO. "The campaign motif will depict the model talking on the phone while sitting on a green couch in front of various backgrounds. The motif will be modified for use in both international and classic media, as well as outdoor advertising, and for online and trade marketing," said Mr. Donhuysen.
United Mobile is an internationally active mobile service company based in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The company has been operating since 2001 and has its own network infrastructure. It offers worldwide, good-value, high-quality, international mobile communication services. United Mobile's philosophy is to provide travellers with domestic-level mobile tariffs while they are abroad. For example, incoming calls are free of charge in over 80 countries. The United Mobile network currently covers 125 countries worldwide and is being continually extended.
Media contact person: Julia Wappler United Mobile Liechtenstein AG, Schaffhauserstrasse 121 8302 Kloten, Zurich Airport Phone +41-43-204-28-03 - Mobil +423-663-10-55-50 Fax +41-43-204-28-99 E-Mail: julia.wappler@united-mobile.com Internet: www.united-mobile.com