Binder + Co AG Report pursuant to § 95 para 6 in connection with § 159 para 2 subpara 3 of the Austrian Corporations Act (Aktiengesetz)
Gleisdorf (euro adhoc) -
Stock Option Programme
ots.CorporateNews transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
After obtaining the required authorization from the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on March 26, 2008 the company plans to acquire own shares in order to offer them for acquisition to all employees, including all Management Board members, in the course of a stock option programme.
The number of options will differ in line with the functions of the individual employees. Over the next five years, the intention is to grant 10,000 options to each member of the Management Board, 5,000 options each to Segment managers, 2,500 options each to Business Area managers, 1,200 options each to members of the technical management hierarchy and 500 options each to all other employees. Taking into account an increase in the number of employees and the members of the Management Board, a total number of around 300,000 options is foreseen. In all cases, this will be less than 10% of the shares issued, totalling 375,000, in order to ensure that the maximum permitted limit of 10% of own shares is not exceeded.
The stock option programme envisages that every employee to whom options are allotted should acquire the shares at the price, which existed at the time of the granting of the option. This will give each employee with an option entitlement under the stock option programme, the opportunity to benefit from any price gains occurring between the granting and exercising of the options. No further conditions are attached to the exercise of the options, in particular neither the achievement of a specific share price target, nor the achievement of certain minimum results by the company.
The stock option program will provide an annual window for the exercise of the options lasting for 14 days after the publication of the annual financial statements on the company homepage.
It is foreseen that this stock option programme will be agreed jointly by the Supervisory and Management Boards.
end of announcement euro adhoc
Further inquiry note:
Vst. Dir. Dr. Karl Grabner
Tel.: +43/3112/800-363
Branche: Machine Manufacturing
Index: mid market
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Regulated free trade