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Austrian Airlines

EANS-Adhoc: Austrian Airlines AG
Extreme fuel prices, financial crisis and slump in demand due to global downturn put strain on Annual Result 2008

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annual report
Annual Result of the Austrian Airlines Group for Financial Year 2008
Summarising the position of the company over the past twelve months, 
Dr.  Peter Malanik, member of  the  Austrian  Executive  Board  today
made  the  following statement:  "2008  was  an  extraordinarily  
difficult  year  for  the  Austrian Airlines Group. While our 
prospects gave us good reason to be optimistic in  the early months 
of the year, the situation worsened rapidly  due  to  the  extremly 
high price of fuel, which was quickly followed by a dramatic fall in 
the  volume of bookings due to the world financial and economic 
crisis. With  the  signature of the contracts governing the sale to 
Deutsche Lufthansa AG  of  ÖIAG's  41.56% share in Austrian Airlines 
AG on 5 December 2008, an important  step  was  taken towards 
ensuring the long-term  future  of  the  Austrian  Airlines  Group.  
The transaction remains subject to approval in accordance with the  
Competition  and Funding Guidelines of the European Commission."
Dr.  Andreas  Bierwirth,  member  of  the  Austrian  Executive  Board
said  the following about the Annual Result 2008: "The  business  
trend  of  the  Austrian Airlines Group was decisively shaped in 2008
by the markedly  negative  economic environment around the world. 
Cripplingly high fuel prices and  rapidly  falling demand for flights
due to the economic slump had an unmistakable impact  on  our result 
from the  fourth  quarter  onwards.  Despite  this  challenging  
economic environment, we have stuck consistently to our Focus East  
strategy,  continuing to expand our key markets in Central and 
Eastern Europe  and  the  Middle  East, introducing  the  innovative 
Premium  Service  into  the   Middle   East,   and implementing 
numerous improvements in our quality and service. In this  way,  we 
have succeeded in holding passenger volume relatively  stable  at  
10.7  million passengers carried despite the challenging economic 
environment,  ensuring  that flight revenue, at EUR 2,361.0 million, 
was only slightly down on  the  previous year. Despite this, a number
of factors - most notably the 31.5%  jump  in  fuel expenditure 
-produced a fall in our  EBIT  from  operating  activities,  to  EUR 
-312.1 million. The EBIT  adjusted  for  one-off  effects  stood  at 
EUR  -35.2 million, again below last year's figure. One-off effects 
not  having  an  effect on payment, the majority of  which  were  
based  on  depreciation  of  aircraft, produced a significant burden 
totalling EUR  334.4  million.  Consequently,  the Group recorded an 
annual result after taxes of EUR - 429.5 million."
The two men went on to remark: "Even before the magnitude of the 
present  crisis became clear, we realised that countermeasures of an 
operational  nature  would not be sufficient. This is why we put 
together the most  fundamental  change  in strategy the company  has 
seen  in  recent  decades,  and  recommended  to  our majority 
shareholder ÖIAG that a privatisation process be instigated,  and  
that the company be sold to a strategic partner."
An Overview of the Annual Result 2008
|Key Indicators             |           |2008     |2007     |+/- abs. |+/- %  |
|                                     |           |adjusted |
|Operating revenue          |EURm       |2,530.6  |2,550.9  |-20.3    |-0.8   |
|Operating expenses         |EURm       |-2,842.7 |-2,508.8 |-333.9   |-13.3  |
|EBITDAR                    |EURm       |256.9    |389.7    |-132.8   |-34.1  |
|EBITDAR adjusted1          |EURm       |295.4    |403.2    |-107.8   |-26.7  |
|Operating result2 (EBIT)   |EURm       |-312.1   |42.1     |-354.2   |-      |
|Operating result2 (EBIT)
adjusted3                   |EURm       |-35.2    |55.7     |-90.9    |-      |
|Financial result           |EURm       |-32.5    |-53.2    |20.7     |38.9   |
|Result before tax          |EURm       |-334.4   |2.8      |-337.2   |-      |
|Result before tax adjusted3|EURm       |-77.7    |11.0     |-88.7    |-      |
|Net result                 |EURm       |-429.5   |3.3      |-432.8   |-      |
|Net result for the year
adjusted 4                  |EURm       |-76.8    |11.5     |-88.3    |-      |
|Net cash from operating
activities                  |EURm       |171.1    |276.7    |-105.6   |-38.2  |
|Net gearing                   |%       |365.0    |125.0    |         |       |
|Equity ratio                  |%        |11.7     |27.7     |         |       |
|Passengers carried total
(millions)                 |Passengers   |10.7     |10.8     |         |-1.1   |
|Passenger load factor
(scheduled services)           |%        |74.4     |75.1     |         |-0.7 P |
|Cargo                      |Tons       |142,624  |149,535  |         |-4.6   |
1) Adjusted by the gains/losses resulting from the disposal of assets, other
costs arising from the transfer of aircraft and foreign currency adjustments at
the balance sheet date.
2) Before inclusion of associated companies.
3) Adjusted by the gains/losses resulting from the disposal of assets, other
costs arising from the transfer of aircraft and foreign currency adjustments at
the balance sheet date, as well as impairment gains or losses in 
connection with the valuation of aircraft. 4) Adjusted by the 
gains/losses resulting from the disposal of assets, other costs 
arising from the transfer of aircraft and foreign currency 
adjustments at the balance sheet date, as well as impairment gains or
losses in connection with the valuation of aircraft and depreciation 
of deferred taxes.
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to  §§  24 and 25 Media Act on
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Corporate Communictions:
Livia Dandrea-Böhm
Tel.: 051766-11231

Investor Relations
Thomas Krammer
Tel.: 051766-13311

Branche: Air Transport
ISIN: AT0000620158
WKN: 875224
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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