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Bundesamt für Kommunikation (BAKOM)

BAKOM: No Human Being Should Be Left Behind World Summit on the Information Society Draft Declaration of Principles and Action Plan Refined

21.07.2003 – 17:22

Biel (ots)

Geneva, 21 July 2003- More than 700 participants from
governments, the private sector, intergovernmental agencies, civil 
society and the media attended the Intersessional Meeting of the 
World Summit on the Information Society hosted by UNESCO 15-18 July 
in Paris. The objective of the meeting was to refine the draft 
Declaration of Principles and the Draft Plan of Action that are to 
be adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), 
which is being held under the patronage of the Secretary-General of 
the United Nations and hosted by the Governments of Switzerland 
(Geneva, December 10-12, 2003) and Tunisia (Tunis, November 16-18, 
2005). The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the lead 
organizer of WSIS with full support from the United Nations family.
The President of the Preparatory Committee of the Summit, Adama 
Samassékou of Mali, reminded delegates of the importance of their 
mission to ensure that information and communication technologies 
"be put into the service of all people, regardless of language, 
culture, gender or geographic location. He stressed "we are creating 
a path from the information society to a society of shared knowledge 
that will lead to greater solidarity among peoples and nations."
ITU, the United Nations specialized agency for telecommunications, 
called for a consensus to shape the international community's 
response to the tremendous expectations raised by the emergence of 
Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) as essential 
components for social and economic development. "In the information 
society, no human being should be left behind," said Mr Yoshio 
Utsumi, Secretary-General of ITU, who noted that, "bold decisions 
and bold actions are required, as the success of the Summit will be 
judged by measurable progress toward implementing the plan of action 
to be adopted in Geneva in December."
"It is important to highlight that this Summit is not about 
technology, it is about using the new tools of ICTs for development 
and to reach the Millennium Development Goals," stated Mark Furrer, 
Director-General of OFCOM and Head of the Swiss Delegation at the 
intersessional meeting in Paris. "We have had a very positive 
meeting here," he added, "with constructive discussions. We are 
harvesting the fruit of hard work that has gone into the preparatory 
process so far. We look forward to the meeting of the third PrepCom 
in Geneva in September 2003."
The Summit will address a broad range of issues including cyberspace 
policy concerns such as security and 'Spam', infrastructure 
development, the financing of universal access and how best to use 
ICT services and applications to achieve the Millennium Development 
For more information contact:
Barbara Erskine - Swiss Executive Secretariat for WSIS
Phone : +41 22 748 27 70
Gary Fowlie - International Telecommunication Union
E-mail :
Phone : +41 22 730 63 73

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