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Jungfraubahn Holding AG

Jungfraubahn Holding AG 2006 Annual Financial Statement

23.04.2007 – 11:15

- Indication: Articles on this subject together with the 2006 
   business report can be downloaded free of charge under: -
Interlaken (ots)  - On Monday the Jungfraubahn Holding AG
presented the figures for the 2006 business year at its financial
statement media conference in Bern.  Switzerland's major mountain
railway company was able to close the 2006 business year with an
annual profit of CHF 19.1 million. Profit is thus CHF 1.3 million
above the figure for the exceptional year of 2000 (Raiffeisen
promotion). Key figures are as follows:
Group account (in TCHF)        2006            2005       Variation
Operating revenue            123,970         120,330       +3.0%
Traffic revenue               93,679          93,433       +0.3%
EBITDA                        42,867          40,583       +5.6%
EBIT                          23,851          22,512       +5.9%
Annual profit                 19,120          17,524       +9.1%
Dividend proposal at AGM    CHF 1.30        CHF 1.20       +8.3%
Ex-dividend date            21.05.2007
Information on current 2007 business year
Guest admissions Jungfrau 
Region (winter 06/07)                       1'023'000      -14%
Share of revenue Jungfrau
Railways (Jan.-April)                       17,2 Mio. CHF  -16%
Excursion traffic:  
Jungfraujoch visitors (Jan.-March)          13'000         +23%
Financial statement media conference
At the financial statement media conference in Hotel Bern in Bern,
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger, Chairman of the Executive Board, Walter
Steuri, CEO and Christoph Seiler, Director of Finance & Controlling,
commented on the 2006 business year. Thomas Bieger spoke in more
detail on the success factors, strategic fields of business and
winter sports.  Walter Steuri reported on the last business year,
share value and the value-added statement.
Articles on this subject together with the 2006 business report
are available at as well as at from
11.15 h. Pictures may be downloaded from our homepage (link: pictures), or from PHOTOPRESS (link:  Jungfrau).
2007 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM will be held on 14.05.2007 at 14.15 hrs in the Kursaal


Jungfrau Railways
Kathrin Naegeli
Information and Media
Harderstrasse 14
CH-3800 Interlaken
Mobile: +41/79/222'53'10

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Weitere Storys: Jungfraubahn Holding AG
Weitere Storys: Jungfraubahn Holding AG
  • 23.04.2007 – 07:00

    Jungfraubahn Holding AG 2006 Annual Financial Statement

    Interlaken (ots) - Jungfraubahn Holding AG is presenting its figures for the 2006 business year at today's (Monday) financial statement media conference. Switzerland's major mountain railway company was able to close the 2006 business year with an annual profit of CHF 19.1 million. P rofit is thus CHF 1.3 million above the figure for the exceptional year of 2000 (Raiffeisen promotion). Key figures are as follows: ...