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IXIASOFT To Provide High Performance XML Search For Microsoft Content Management Server 2002

07.10.2002 – 09:19


Content Management Server 2002 Customers Will Benefit From
Cutting-Edge Information Retrieval Technology To Gain Instant Access
To Key Business Information
IXIASOFT, the XML Content Server market leader, today announced
the integration between TEXTML Server and Microsoft Content
Management Server 2002. IXIASOFT has created a Content Management
Server 2002 integration kit for its flagship product, TEXTML server
that will enable Content Management Server developers to deploy sites
that take advantage of TEXTML Server's high-performance search
One of the enhancements of Content Management Server 2002 is its
capability to produce and publish XML content natively. This ties in
very nicely with TEXTML Server ability to perform full-text and
multi-criteria search on XML content. IXIASOFT's integration kit
consists of .NET Composite Controls that can be dragged and dropped
from the Visual Studio .NET toolbox into a Content Management Server
2002 site being developed. These customizable controls will enable a
developer to provide search and sort functionalities on postings
based on the content of placeholders, properties and custom
"Search and retrieval is a critical issue for organizations that
want to manage content". Said Jean-Paul Chauvet, IXIASOFT's
Vice-President for Sales and Marketing. "With Content Management
Server 2002, Microsoft has added a native XML system and we are
excited to provide them with a technology that provides advanced
search capabilities".
As a hook to Content Management Server 2002, IXIASOFT developed an
'Event Handler' that traps all events related to postings that have
the status 'Approved' or 'Published'. This enables TEXTML Server to
detect all new postings or those that have been modified in any way.
When such an event is detected, it triggers TEXTML Sever to insert a
copy of the posting into its repository and index the content of the
placeholders as well as the content of the properties and custom
properties. This mechanism ensures that all new or modified postings
are in synch with the live site and that the content is available to
be searched.
"Designed specifically to accelerate the development and
deployment of Web-based Internet, intranet and extranet sites,
Content Management Server 2002 enables customers to get mission-
critical sites up and running quickly and easily," said Eric Swift,
group product manager of .NET Enterprise Servers at Microsoft Corp.
"TEXTML Server's tight integration with Content Management Server
allows for a seamless user experience for adding advanced search
TEXTML Server's indexing technology enables the powerful
combination of full-text and metadata searching to return the most
accurate results from complex queries, therefore providing our mutual
customers better access to their vital information."
A white paper giving more details on TEXTML integration kit for
Microsoft Content Management Server is available at
IXIASOFT develops and distributes TEXTML Server, an XML Content
Server whose purpose is to store, index and retrieve XML content.
IXIASOFT is the only true provider of document-centric XML Servers
specializing in the storage and publishing of XML documents. IXIASOFT
was recently designated by Computerworld as one of the "Top Emerging
Technology Companies"; IXIASOFT enjoys a global customer base with
various vertical markets such as aerospace, media & publishing,
energy, and government. Some of its notable technology partners
include, Adobe Systems, DataEXchanger, ITEMFIELD, DataJunction,
HitSoftware, HyperVision Ltd., SoftQuad, and Altova. IXIASOFT is a
voting member of the W3C. For more information, go to
Other product or service names mentioned herein are the trademarks
of their respective owners.
   825 Querbes Avenue
   Montreal, (Quebec)
   H2V 3X1
Fusion Public Relations
   570 Seventh Avenue
   NY, NY 10018


Jerome Laredo
Marketing Director
Tel. +1-514-279-4942

Joseph Dans
Fusion Public Relations
Director of Accounts
Tel. +1-212-651-4215

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