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Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG

EANS-Adhoc: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG
Clearly positive annual result 2009 despite downturn in oilfield service industry - Proposed dividend EUR 0.50 following EUR 0.75

10.03.2010 – 08:01

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Ternitz/Vienna, 10 March 2010. Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment
AG (SBO), listed on the ATX market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, 
announces the key figures for the fiscal year 2009 at its annual 
press conference. Despite an extremely difficult market environment 
SBO achieved a clearly positive annual result in 2009.
Group sales in fiscal 2009 amounted to MEUR 251.6, following MEUR 
388.7 in record year 2008, declining by 35.3 %. Earnings before 
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) arrived at 
MEUR 61.5, down 46.1 % from last year´s MEUR 114.2. Profit before tax
fell by 71.6 % to MEUR 23.5, following MEUR 82.5 in the year before. 
Profit after tax stood at MEUR 15.3, decreasing by 74.0 % from MEUR 
58.8 in 2008. In view of the overall recession, the EBIT margin of 
11.2 % and EBITDA margin of 24.4 % generated in fiscal 2009 reflect a
remarkable business performance.
The Executive Board will propose to the forthcoming Annual General 
Meeting a distribution of EUR 0.50 (following EUR 0.75) per share. 
Based on the current stock price, this equals a dividend yield of 
approximately 1.3 %.
Market development 2009
In 2009, in the wake of international recession, global energy 
consumption declined for the first time since 1981. The resulting 
excess supplies of crude oil in the world market prompted oil 
companies to immediately cut their exploration and production 
The global rig count, a major indicator of activities in the oilfield
service industry, fell to its low of 1983 units in May 2009, 
declining 44 % from its peak of 3557 rigs in 2008. This marked the 
steepest decline since the 1980s.
Extensive package of measures implemented
SBO responded to the changed overall conditions and the resulting 
drop in bookings by launching a comprehensive package of measures. 
Cost-cutting measures were implemented, capital expenditures were 
curtailed or postponed and services were sourced back in, partly 
setting off declining orders. The declared aim of those immediately 
taken measures was to save approximately MEUR 25 annually. It was 
largely achieved during the year and was a decisive factor for SBO to
generate a clearly positive full-year result.
Aggregate bookings in 2009 arrived at MEUR 111.1 (following MEUR 
367.3 in the year before), the order backlog at year-end was MEUR 76 
(following MEUR 214 at the end of fiscal 2008).
Outlook for 2010
Global demand for oil is generally expected to slightly pick up again
in 2010. The extent of growth depends on the actual rate and 
intensity of economic recovery, notably in the USA, and China´s 
further economic momentum.
The current oil price level and modest increase in demand suggest 
that exploration and production spending of oil companies will 
further increase in 2010, provided that the global economic recovery 
that has started to slowly set in will continue.
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment expects to see a continuation 
of business consolidation in the first months of 2010. From today´s 
perspective, last year´s measures to reduce capacities were 
sufficient. SBO could handle even an extended period of stagnating or
only slightly recovering bookings with its current structure. This 
position is demonstrated by the sound balance sheet, low debt and 
high liquidity of the company.
Being a financially sound company holding an excellent market 
position, SBO also is exploring options for acquisitions. In any 
event, SBO is perfectly equipped today to fully benefit from market 
recovery as soon as it may set in. Due to the fundamental conditions 
in the oil and gas market, this recovery is bound to occur, its 
actual point in time depending on the dynamism and robustness of the 
global upswing, and is therefore difficult to predict. In the medium 
to long run, the ever more challenging exploration of new oil 
reservoirs accompanied by declining production rates of existing oil 
fields will inevitably lead to yet another continuous growth in 
demand for high-precision components for the oilfield service 
Key financial figures:
                                  2009  2008
Sales                      MEUR   251.6 388.7
Earnings before interest,
taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA)      MEUR   61.5  114.2
EBITDA margin              %      24.4  29.4
EBIT                       MEUR   28.2  88.0
EBIT margin                %      11.2  22.6
Profit before tax          MEUR   23.5  82.5
Cash-flow from profit      MEUR   49.9  89.1
Capital expenditure        MEUR   32.6  45.8
Earnings per share         EUR    0.96  3.69
Dividend per share         EUR    0.50* 0.75
Headcount                  Number 1056  1394
* proposed
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield 
Equipment AG is the global market leader in high-precision components
for the oilfield service industry. The business focus is on 
non-magnetic drillstring components for directional drilling. SBO 
employs a workforce of 1056 worldwide (31 December 2008: 1394), 
thereof 314 in Ternitz/Austria and 447 in North America (including 
SBO financial calendar 2010
28 April 2010	Annual General Meeting
12 May 2010	Ex-dividend day, dividend payment date
19 May 2010	Result 1st quarter 2010
18 August 2010	Result half-year 2010
17 November 2010	Result 3rd quarter 2010
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Gernot Bauer, Head of Investor Relations
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG
A-2630 Ternitz, Hauptstraße 2
Tel: +43 2630/315 ext 250, fax ext 501

Branche: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: AT0000946652
WKN: 907391
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wien / official dealing

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