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MSK Corporation

World's Largest Solar Factory Opens in Japan

28.08.2003 – 10:03


In this world of increasing worries over
dependence on foreign oil, environmental degradation and the
vulnerability of power networks, many people are calling for greater
use of clean energy alternatives such as solar power. It is
encouraging therefore to note the completion of the world's largest
factory for solar panels, built by MSK, Japan's leading specialist
solar manufacturer.
Tokyo-based MSK Corporation has opened the doors to its new
production facility located in Nagano, Japan. The factory will help
meet consumers' growing demand for increasingly efficient and cost-
effective solar power. The new facility boasts the world's largest
solar panel production capacity at a single site.
More impressive, the company explains, is the fact that MSK is a
specialist solar company, completely dedicated to developing and
manufacturing solar systems, with no other business interests. The
new factory therefore marks a significant milestone for the rapidly
expanding solar industry.
Solar photovoltaics (PV) is the technology of converting sunlight
directly to electricity using semiconductors. Many experts believe it
offers the greatest hope for abundant amounts of environmentally
friendly power, free from dependency on dwindling foreign fossil fuel
reserves. According to the International Energy Agency, the market
for solar PV in IEA countries grew 34% in 2002, and is doubling every
two years.
The 100MWp capacity facility can produce up to 45'000 solar
modules per month. It features state-of-the-art manufacturing
equipment, including the world's fastest solar cell connection
technology. The factory is geared to keep pace with current advances
in PV technology with the capability to handle solar cells down to
0.2mm thickness. Current solar cells are typically 0.3mm thick.
Reducing the thickness of cells is one way in which manufacturers are
bringing the cost of solar energy down.
MSK will produce a variety of solar panels at the new site. As
well as its range of "standard" panels, designed to fit existing
roofs, the company also produces a range of panels that can be used
directly as building materials. Of particular interest is its new
semi-transparent panel designed to replace tinted glazing in office
MSK Corporation is Japan's leading dedicated solar company, having
specialized in the manufacture of PV panels since 1984.


MSK Corporation
19F STEC Joho Building, 1-24-1
West Shinjuku
Shinjuku Ward
Tokyo 160 0023
Phone +81/3/3342-3838
Fax: +81/3/3342-6534

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