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Prionics AG

Prionics gets extended permission for Parachek®: USDA approves a Johne's disease test for bovine milk for the first time

13.02.2007 – 09:30

Zurich (ots)

Prionics, a world leader in farm animal
diagnostics, has received approval for the extended use of its
Johne's disease test Parachek®. With the original test kit for the
diagnosis of paratuberculosis, the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) has for the first time officially validated a
product for the testing of bovine milk samples. The ELISA test
Parachek® is widely used for the detection of antibodies to
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in the serum of cattle, sheep and
Within the nationwide US Voluntary Johne's Control Program, the
USDA has for the first time validated a Johne's disease test for
bovine milk. The program has been designed to address the growing
concern about Johne's disease and with immediate effect Parachek®
can now be used by milk producers. The ELISA test from Prionics
enables dairy producers to use milk samples - routinely collected as
part of the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) system - for Johne's
"Johne's disease continues to be widespread and still leads to
significant economic damage on a global scale. In collaboration with
Antel Biosystem Inc., we successfully obtained extended permission
for our proven Parachek® test kit, allowing our customers to
benefit from an additional field of application", says Dr. Markus
Moser, CEO Prionics.
Connection with Morbus Crohn suspected
After having successfully collaborated with the US diagnostics
specialist Antel Biosystems ( for approval in the
US, Prionics will continue this partnership for the distribution in
North America. This allows Prionics to rapidly build up distribution
and support with broad geographic coverage. In Europe and other
countries, the use of Parachek® for the diagnosis of
paratuberculosis in milk samples is already permitted.
In general, the early detection of diseases like Johne's disease
in the food chain is becoming increasingly important. Highly
resistant to pasteurization, the paratuberculosis bacteria can
present a potential risk in the case of human exposure. According to
recent studies, there is an assumed connection between Johne's
disease and Morbus Crohn, a chronic form of enteritis in humans. For
the latter condition, no cure has been found to date.
For more information please visit


Markus Abt
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +41/44/200'20'95
Mobile: +41/79/352'53'16

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