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Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Scientist Leonard Susskind Joins Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics as Associate Member

18.10.2007 – 09:07

Waterloo, Canada (ots/PRNewswire)

Canada's Perimeter Institute
for Theoretical Physics (PI) is pleased to  announce that renowned
scientist Leonard Susskind has joined its Faculty as  an Associate
Member. Professor Susskind is widely recognized as one of the  most
highly creative researchers in the field of particle physics. He
earned  his BSc at City College of New York and his PhD in 1965 at
Cornell  University. He held a number of positions at the
postdoctoral and faculty  level afterwards before becoming a
Professor in the Department of Physics at  Stanford University in
1978, where he continues to work as a Professor  of Physics.
Leonard Susskind has received a range of honors and prizes,
including having been elected to the National Academy of Sciences
(NAS), receiving the American Physical Society's prestigious Sakurai
Award, as well as the American Institute of Physics' Science Writing
Dr. Robert Myers, Interim Scientific Director at Perimeter
Institute, remarks, "Professor Susskind has been one of the most
creative and influential theoretical physicists in the last four
decades. He has contributed important ideas to topics ranging from
the theory of quark confinement to black holes in string theory." As
an Associate Member, Professor Susskind will spend focused time at PI
in Waterloo each year to conduct research activities.
In addition to an outstanding record as a distinguished
theoretical physicist, Professor Susskind has a demonstrated interest
in communicating science to members of the general public and
improving society's awareness of physics, astronomy, and allied
science fields. He will share this talent by participating in a
special PI Public Lecture panel discussion on December 5, 2007,
dealing with the topic of 'Information and Reality'.
About Perimeter Institute
Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is an
independent, non-profit, scientific research and educational outreach
organization where international scientists cluster to push the
limits of our understanding of physical laws and calculate new ideas
about the very essence of space, time, matter and information. The
award-winning research centre provides a multi-disciplinary
environment to foster research in areas of Cosmology, Particle
Physics, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Information
and Superstring Theory. The Institute, located in Waterloo, Ontario,
also provides a wide array of educational outreach activities for
students, teachers and members of the general public across the
country and beyond in order to share the joy of scientific research,
discovery and innovation.
Additional information can be found online at


For further information: John Matlock, Director of External Relations
and Outreach, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, at, or +1-519-569-7600 ext. 5030

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