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GS1 Switzerland

Media release | Modum and GS1 Switzerland work together on potential of DLT

05.03.2020 – 08:15

Modum and GS1 Switzerland will work together to unlock the

potential of DLT for the supply chain of sensitive goods.

Dear Media Representatives

Zurich, 5.3.2020 - Modum and GS1 Switzerland will work together to unlock the potential of DLT for the supply chain of sensitive goods. Their collaboration aims at defining DLT standards based on GS1 standards, solving interoperability issues and providing a reference architecture for the healthcare industry.

Regulations and consumer expectations with respect to the supply of products are continuously changing. Sustainability, traceability and product quality matters, and the condition – the how – of a product is becoming increasingly important.

Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) is a GS1 standard that enables trading partners to share information about the physical movement and status of products as they move along the supply chain. It answers the questions «what», «where», «when» and «why» and is essential in meeting consumer and regulatory demands for accurate and detailed product information. The ambitious goals of the cooperation between Modum and GS1 Switzerland are to 1) implement and enrich the EPCIS standard with conditional data sets to create and share conditional event data between supply chain partners, 2) develop and establish an open, standardized framework that defines the interoperability of different IT-networks (blockchain and traditional networks) enabled through the use of GS1 standards for supply chains involving sensitive goods, and 3) enable the sharing of master and event data to address interoperability issues by providing a reference architecture.

The implementation of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has the potential to achieve additional cost savings and enhance the consumer experience through traceability, transparency, and tradability, and will be used as the underlying technology. The open framework will allow supply chain partners to jointly use and exchange master and event data, bridge IT-silos, and solve interoperability issues. It will also facilitate the integration of status monitoring data and events into a standardized architecture.

Test with pilot customers

The current and developed standards will be tested with pilot customers in a «digital sandbox» environment, which will then be expanded to include real-life use cases that focus on the needs of the sensitive goods supply chain ecosystem. GS1 Switzerland and Modum are seeking firms within the healthcare industry to join their collaborative effort and be part of the journey to bring supply chain standards to the next level. Interested firms are encouraged to contact GS1 Switzerland or Modum for more information.

«We see all players in the industry looking for guidance on combining tracking of goods with pro-active condition monitoring in an efficient, trusted and future-proof way. Modum is thrilled to work with GS1 as leader in supply chain standardization to transform supply chains into digital ecosystems – I firmly believe that the challenges at hand can only be solved hand in hand with industry leaders and standardization organizations», said Simon Dössegger Modum’s CEO.

And Raphael Pfarrer, Director Consulting & Innovation and a Member of the Management Board at GS1 Switzerland added, «Combining our expertise in the definition of supply chain standards with a technology-savvy young company like Modum will create sustainable results, as GS1 has a long history of collaborating with our members to create relevant industry standards.»

About Modum

In 2016, the Zurich-based AG was founded by a group of entrepreneurs with backgrounds in technology and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Modum is committed to be the measure of all things when it comes to transforming global supply chains into transparent, trusted and efficient digital ecosystems. Based on trusted data, Modum creates reliable and innovative solutions to monitor, automate and optimize supply chains for sensitive goods, which can be applied over a wide range of applications in various industries. Modum collaborates with global technology partners such as SAP and AWS, as well as with business partners including Swiss Post, to ensure that their solutions are fit-for-purpose and meet market needs.

About GS1 Switzerland - The Global Language of Business

GS1 Switzerland provides solutions for more efficient value networks using global standards. We help companies optimise the flow of goods, information and value and share practical knowledge with them. Together with our members, we devise standards and process recommendations and create benefits for everyone involved.

GS1 Switzerland is a neutral association based in Bern and forms part of GS1, a not-for-profit organisation active in 140 countries.


Caterina Beffa, Head of PR & Communications, AG, Poststrasse 5-7, 8001 Zurich, Tel.: +41 44 586 89 17, E-Mail:

  Claudia Schön, Head of PR & Communications, GS1 Switzerland, Monbijoustrasse 68, 3007 Bern, Tel.: +41 58 800 77 42, E-Mail:
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