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Worldwide Communications & Television

King Abdullah II of Jordan and Elie Wiesel Host Petra Conference of Nobel Laureates

18.05.2005 – 08:03

Petra, Jordan (ots/PRNewswire)

- World's best minds gather in ancient city of Petra to solve
pressing  global problems
Today is the opening of the inaugural Petra Conference in Jordan
hosted by King Abdullah II and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel. The
world's greatest thinkers -- the Nobel Laureates of Peace, Economics,
Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology and Medicine -- are
gathering to discuss pressing global problems. The event has captured
the attention of people around the world including Conference
attendees like The Dalai Lama, former U.S. President Bill Clinton and
Hollywood actor and activist Richard Gere.
In total, 25 Nobel Laureates have gathered to discuss topics like
peace and security; economic development and poverty; health, science
and environment; education, media, and culture. The Petra Conference
provides a forum for Laureates to reflect on both old and new
problems, and propose novel strategies, helping to transform
challenges into opportunities. One of the goals of the Petra
Conference is to formulate practical solutions that will be presented
by King Abdullah II and Elie Wiesel at the World Economic Forum May
20-22 on the banks of the Dead Sea in Jordan.
Former President Clinton will be making remarks on the last day of
the Petra Conference followed by Ukraine President Victor Yushchenko.
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Laureate for Peace, remarked about what the
Conference is attempting to do. "The fact that so many men and women
who have given so much for humanity -- gather now to analyze the
threats hanging on the world and if possible disarm them with a
source of comfort and hope."
King Abdullah II of Jordan announced the formation of the two-day
Petra Conference at a press conference in Washington DC in March
making the following remarks, "Today more than ever we need creative
minds to address the issues of the age. And one of the most urgent is
this: How can humanity know so much, achieve so much, and still fail
so many people so badly?"
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