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SinnerSchrader AG

euro adhoc: Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
SinnerSchrader takes over spot-media

30.01.2008 – 19:37

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
SinnerSchrader AG today announced that it has signed contracts for 
the complete takeover of spot-media AG. The shares will probably be 
transferred to SinnerSchrader on 1 February 2008.
spot-media is a fast-growing, independent interactive agency in 
Hamburg. It was founded in 1996 by Oliver Welling, who has continued 
to manage the company as its CEO. spot-media has nearly doubled its 
revenues in the past two years by focusing on two areas of 
interactive business: the ongoing maintenance of large Internet shops
and portals on the one hand, and consultation and the development and
implementation of websites and Internet applications for small- to 
medium-sized businesses on the other. For the 2008 financial year, 
spot-media anticipates revenues of over EUR 3 million and an 
operating margin of more than 10 per cent. spot-media currently has 
more than forty full-time employees.
This is the first time since 2001 that SinnerSchrader has 
supplemented its own double-digit growth through an acquisition. 
spot-media´s key areas of activity complement the business 
orientation of SinnerSchrader. Furthermore, with its ongoing 
maintenance services, spot-media addresses a field of business which 
- in light of the increasing importance and complexity of large shops
and portals - demands special forms of organisation and promises good
rates of growth. spot-media was looking for a strong partner to take 
better advantage of these growth opportunities.
spot-media will operate as an independent company and brand within 
the SinnerSchrader Group. It will be managed by Ralph Riepenhausen 
(43) and Ihssan Ayoub (33), both of whom played an important role in 
the development of spot-media alongside Oliver Welling over the past 
years. Oliver Welling has chosen to leave the company with this sale.
Both parties have agreed to keep the purchase price confidential. The
sum will be settled in part through the 256,917 shares of treasury 
stock held by SinnerSchrader AG, which are subject to a six-month 
lock-up in accordance with the sales contract. Part of the purchase 
price will also depend on the economic development of spot-media over
a period of four years.
end of the ad-hoc message
About SinnerSchrader: SinnerSchrader is a leading interactive agency 
in Germany. SinnerSchrader develops interactive customer experiences 
which radically intensify the relationship between brands and 
consumers. SinnerSchrader was founded in 1996, has been listed on the
stock exchange since 1999, and has over 150 employees in Hamburg and 
Frankfurt am Main.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

SinnerSchrader Aktiengesellschaft
Thomas Dyckhoff, CFO
T. +49. 40. 39 88 55-0
Martin Recke, Corporate Communication
T. +49. 40. 39 88 55-181
F. +49. 40. 39 88 55-100

Branche: Software
ISIN: DE0005141907
WKN: 514190
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Hamburg / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse München / free trade

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