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conwert Immobilien Invest SE

EANS-Adhoc: conwert Immobilien Invest SE: record revenues and clearly positive result enable dividend payout for the financial year 2009

24.03.2010 – 07:34

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
annual report
Vienna, 24 March 2010. conwert Immobilien  Invest  SE  (Vienna  Stock
Exchange: CWI,  Reuters:  CONW.VI,  Bloomberg:  CWI  AV)  recorded  a
strong   operating development in the financial year 2009: Massive 
growth in the sales  and  rental business led to record levels of 
revenues (+43% to EUR 560.1 million),  earnings before  interest,  
taxes,  depreciation  and  amortisation  (EBITDA:   +11%   to 
EUR 105.0 million) and cash earnings  (FFO:  +35%  to  EUR  72.6  
million).  The operating result (EBIT) rose by 35% to EUR 94.9 
million. Profit  for  the  year, at EUR 23.8 million, was clearly  
positive.  Based  on  these  good  results,  a dividend will be paid 
for the year 2009. The dividend  proposed  to  the  Annual General 
Meeting amounts to EUR 0.25 per share.
conwert was able to  take  advantage  of  the  booming  demand  for  
residential properties in 2009  and  significantly  raised  the  
proceeds  on  the  sale  of properties and rental income. Rental 
income rose by 3%  due  to  successful  new lettings in the property 
portfolio  (without  new  acquisitions).  At  the  same time, 
vacancies were reduced from 20% in the previous year to 17%. In the  
sales business the annual target was clearly exceeded and record 
proceeds on the  sale of properties were realised. At the same time, 
conwert  increasingly  purchased properties again, especially in  the
second  half  of  2009.  In  the  property service segment important 
third-party mandates were won in 2009. alt+kelber  for example, 
conwert´s subsidiary in Germany, was commissioned to manage  a  
closed- end residential property fund of the fund company DWS.
In  addition  to  expanding  operating  business,  conwert   also   
successfully completed a programme designed to cut costs and  
increase  efficiency  in  2009. The cost/revenue relation was reduced
from 16% in  the  previous  year  to  less than 12%. At the  same  
time,  the  integration  of  conwert´s  German  property portfolio  
into  the  property  management  of   alt+kelber   was   consistently
continued. Overall, a total of 11,500 units previously managed  
externally  have been integrated into the company´s own property 
management to date.
Revenues increased by 43% from EUR 391.1 million to EUR  560.1  
million  in  the financial year 2009 due to the strong  development  
in  the  letting  and  sales business.
Rental income was up 10%  on  the  previous  year  and  amounted  to 
EUR  162.3 million, which was primarily attributable to increased 
rents  for  new  lettings in Austria and the reduction of vacancies 
in  Germany.  The  organic  growth  of rental income is also 
documented by a 3% increase on the basis of  an  unchanged property 
portfolio (like-for-like).
In the sales segment conwert benefited  from  strong  demand  by  
investors  for freehold flats and apartment buildings.  Proceeds  on 
the  sale  of  properties increased by 78% to EUR 361.3 million in 
comparison to the previous  year,  thus clearly exceeding the target,
which was originally set at EUR  200  million  and later increased to
EUR 300 million. A double-digit IFRS  profit  margin  of  10% and a 
cash profit margin of 15% were again realised. In  the  difficult  
climate of the year 2009, service revenues proved to be a stable 
success  factor.  As  a result of concluding new mandates for 
external customers,  roughly  52%  or  EUR 36.6 million of  the  
total  service  revenues  were  generated  in  third-party business.
Based on the strong operating development, conwert  recorded  
increases  in  all essential earnings indicators in the year 2009  
and  realised  clearly  positive earnings. On  a  cash  basis  a  new
record  level  was  achieved:  funds  from operations (FFO) rose  35%
compared  to  the  previous  year  and  amounted  to EUR 72,6 
million. Earnings before interest, tax  depreciation  and  
amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 11% to EUR 105.0 million in 
comparison with  the  previous year. The revaluation result turned 
from a slightly negative  result  (EUR  -2.3 million in 2008) into a 
positive one in 2009 (EUR 1.6  million).  The  operating result 
(EBIT), at EUR 94.9 million, exceeded the prior-year level  by  35%. 
The financial result improved from EUR -98.8 million in 2008 to EUR  
-36.0  million. Thus the profit for the year after share  
attributable  to  equity  holders  was clearly positive at EUR 23.8 
million (2008: EUR  -30.2  million).  Earnings  per share improved 
from EUR -0.37 to EUR 0.29.
At the end of the year 2009 property assets amounted to EUR 2,517  
million  (vs. EUR 2,497 million in 2008). Overall, conwert owned 
1,752 objects at the  end  of the year 2009 (vs. 1,710  in  the  
previous  year).  Due  to  intensified  sales activities the number 
of rental units fell from 24,931 to 24,548.  Total  usable space was 
unchanged at roughly 2 million square meters.
As of 31 December 2009 the equity of conwert, at  EUR  1,280  
million,  slightly exceeded the prior-year level of EUR 1,274 
million. The equity  ratio  increased from 42% at year-end 2008 to 
43%, thus remaining at a very high level. Cash  and cash equivalents 
amounted to EUR 61.6 million at the  end  of  2009  (2008:  EUR 69.92
Net  assets  per  share  (book  value  (NAV)/share)  equalled  EUR  
15.68,  thus exceeding the value at the end of 2008 (EUR 15.55). 
Despite a  massive  increase in the price of the conwert share in the
year 2009 (+167% to EUR 8.54  at  year- end 2009), the share price 
was still 45% below the NAV.
conwert expects an ongoing  stable  development  for  the  
residential  property markets in Austria and Germany in the  year  
2010.  Due  to  low  level  of  new construction with strong  demand 
for  residential  space,  especially  in  good locations, prices and 
rents are expected to continue to increase.  In  addition, demand for
high-quality residential  properties  as  inflation-safe  investments
remains high.
In this environment conwert  expects  an  ongoing  positive  
operating  business development. In the property investment segment 
conwert  will  increasingly  act as a buyer. In the sales  business  
revenues  of  roughly  10%  of  the  current property portfolio, or  
EUR  250  million,  is  planned.  The  sales  margin  is expected to 
level off at the historic levels recorded so far  (10%  -  15%  IFRS 
profit margin). Overall purchases are expected  to  exceed  sales  in
the  year 2010. Moreover, vacancies will be reduced further (from  
16.9%  to  11%  -  12%) through the constant development of the  
property  portfolio,  new  high-quality residential space will be 
created and average rents will be raised.
In the property service segment third-party business will be extended
in  2010. conwert sees good growth opportunities especially in the  
asset  management  for external funds in  the  financial  year  2010.
In  addition,  the  optimisation measures implemented in 2009, such 
as the integration of rental units  into  the company´s own  property
management  in  Germany,  will  show  further  positive effects on 
the result.
Based on this positive operating development of  the  company,  
conwert  expects revenues and earnings to continue to develop as 
successfully in 2010 as  in  the year 2009.
The Annual Report 2009 of conwert Immobilien  Invest  SE  is  
available  on  the website
Earnings Indicators
|                            |         |2009       |2008        |Change |
|Rental income               |EUR mill.|162.3      |147.7       |+10%   |
|Proceeds on sales           |EUR mill.|361.3      |203.1       |+78%   |
|Service revenues            |EUR mill.|36.6       |40.2        |-9%    |
|Total revenues              |EUR mill.|560.1      |391.1       |+43%   |
|Earnings before interest,   |         |           |            |       |
| taxes, depreciation and    |         |           |            |       |
| amortization (EBITDA)      |EUR mill.|105.0      |94.3        |+11%   |
|Earnings before interest    |         |           |            |       |
| and tax (EBIT)             |EUR mill.|94.9       |69,9        |+35%   |
|Funds from Operations       |         |           |            |       |
| (FFO)1)                    |EUR mill.|72.6       |53.8        |+35%   |
|Net rental income (NRI)     |EUR mill.|94.6       |85.6        |+11%   |
|Cash profit2)               |EUR mill.|68.0       |53.0        |+28%   |
|Basic earnings/share        |EUR      |0.29       |(0.37)      |-      |
|Diluted earnings/share      |EUR      |0.29       |(0.37)      |-      |
|Funds from operations/share |EUR      |0.90       |0.65        |+39%   |
Balance sheet indicators
|                            |         |2009       |2008        |Change |
|Balance sheet total         |EUR mill.|2,962.5    |3,016.2     |-2%    |
|Non-current loans and       |         |           |            |       |
| borrowings                 |EUR mill.|968.3      |1,011.1     |-4%    |
|Current loans and borrowings|EUR mill.|320.8      |321.9       |-      |
|Equity                      |EUR mill.|1,279.9    |1,274.2     |+1%    |
|Equity ratio                |%        |43.2       |42.3        |-      |
|Balance sheet total         |%        |115.0      |115.2       |-      |
|Book value (NAV)/share      |EUR      |15.68      |15.55       |+1%    |
Property indicators
|                            |         |2009       |2008        |Change |
|Number of objects           |number   |1,752      |1,710       |-      |
|Rental units                |number   |24,548     |24,931      |-2%    |
|Total usable space          |sqm      |2,018,254  |2,035,421   |-1%    |
|Property assets             |EUR mill.|2,517.4    |2,497.3     |+1%    |
1) FFO: Earnings before tax (EBT) minus the net gain from fair value 
adjustments  + Difference between cash gains on sale to IFRS gains on
sale + depreciation + non-cash parts of financial result and 
investment costs 2) Cash profit: FFO minus actual income taxes paid
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== This report contains 
forward-looking estimates and statements that were made  on the basis
of the information available at this time. Forward-looking statements
reflect the point of view at the time they are made. We would like to
point  out that the actual circumstances and, consequently, the 
actual results realised  at a later date may differ from the  
forecasts  presented in this  report  for  a variety of reasons.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

conwert Immobilien Invest SE
Johann Kowar, CEO
T +43 / 1 / 521 45-200

Peter Sidlo, Head of Corporate Communications - Investor Relations
T +43 / 1 / 521 45-250

Metrum Communications
Roland Mayrl
T +43 / 1 / 504 69 87-331

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000697750
WKN: 069775
Index: WBI
Börsen: Wien / official dealing

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