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Stiftung Dr. J.E. Brandenberger

Switzerland's highest remunerated prize goes in 2014 to Dr Walter J. Ammann

28.10.2014 – 08:30

Zurich (ots)

For decades, Dr Walter J. Ammann has showed a constant commitment to preventing, reducing, recognising and overcoming risks posed to man and the environment. As Director of the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Deputy Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL and President of the Foundation Swiss Research Institute for high-altitude climate and medicine, Dr Walter J. Ammann has attained great acknowledgement for his integrative risk management concept.

This year he is awarded the foundation Dr J.E. Brandenberger prize of CHF 200,000 in recognition of his tireless work in the field, going ever beyond the call of duty. In establishing and subsequently leading the Global Risk Forum GRF Davos, and both the prestigious International Disaster and Risk Conference and the One Health Davos Summits, Dr Walter J. Ammann has created important platforms for international exchange in the area of risk research and its practical application, for the benefit of people all over the world. His contributions led to an integrative approach to risk management which spans the entire spectrum from risk due to natural hazards to biological and technical ones, including the impacts of climate change, pandemics and global terrorism, encompassing disciplines such as engineering and the natural, social and medical sciences, plus the humanities.

"We are delighted to be able to award this year's prize to Dr Walter J. Ammann", said foundation president Carlo Schmid-Sutter - "his extraordinary achievements have fully addressed the core concerns of our patron, Irma Marthe Brandenberger." Her wish is that each year those individuals are honoured that actively strive to better the lot of humanity and who have made notable contributions in the area of natural and social sciences, social work and the improvement of living standards for the humanity as a whole. She set up the foundation in memory of her father, Dr J.E. Brandenberger, the inventor of cellophane, by investing the endowment passed on to her. Since 1990, the prize is awarded on an annual basis.

"I am particularly touched to receive this prize", said the laureate, "and I take it on mindful of the duty to continue the work of identifying the world's highest risks, in order to learn from them as best we can".

The award ceremony is to take place in November 2014 in Zurich.



Carlo Schmid-Sutter, 9413 Oberegg
Tel. +41 (0)171 891 31 71

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