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European Report On Development

Confronting Scarcity: Managing Water, Energy and Land for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. The Case of Lake Naivasha

02.05.2012 – 11:02

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire)

Kenya's Lake Naivasha Basin is the centrepiece of a unique development experiment. It serves a vast horticulture industry, market gardens, small farms, and a geothermal power plant. With the basin showing signs of stress, local, national and international stakeholders are working towards an integrated solution to manage its water, energy and land (WEL). The 2011/12 European Report on Development (ERD) has released a short film showcasing the importance of this 'WEL-nexus' approach to inclusive and sustainable growth.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click: []

By 2030, demand for energy and water is expected to grow by some 40%, and for food by 50%, requiring a radical rethink of the world's approach to natural resources and consumption. The ERD's interactive video news release (iVNR) shows how integrated solutions, such as those being explored around Lake Naivasha, can help meet these challenges.

"The poor are the occasional winners but frequent losers in a resource-strapped world," notes the ERD, due for launch on 16 May in Brussels. Scarcity inflates the price of essential but "resource-intensive" goods, food and energy, squeezing poorer communities dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods.

"This film shows that, in an interconnected world, these pressures are exacerbated when solutions to resource constraints in one area place additional strains on another," says Dirk Willem te Velde, ERD team leader. "We must consider the full range of integrated solutions to better manage pressures on water, energy and land."

This edition of the ERD, Confronting scarcity: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth, includes analysis and examples of the true state of resource scarcity, global transition to a low-carbon economy, and implications for the WEL-nexus. From this, policy guidelines, best practices and roles for the private and public sectors are defined in an international framework. The report highlights the challenges ahead and advocates a major policy shift, charting a possible path towards inclusive and sustainable growth.



For Media Queries: Rafaela Gracio,,
+32(0)2-713-07-28, For queries about the VNR,

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