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Max Lehner AG

Max Lehner AG (MAXOLEN) has qualified to supply corrosion protection to Stadler Rail AG - MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-Bahn

19.07.2016 – 11:34

Birmensdorf-Zurich (ots)

Max Lehner AG has qualified to supply the corrosion product MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B for bogies produced by the Stadler Rail Group.

"Since 2008, we have rigorously tested corrosion protection products for bogies. Based on our experience, we have chosen the product MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B, which we have been testing in driving operations for more than five years. MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B is a wax-based product especially developed by Stadler Rail and Max Lehner AG for use in the rail sector. In view of this, we can conclude that our efforts to use a new and better product have paid off. Compared to the products used previously, there are clear benefits. This not only applies to the corrosion protection itself, but also the clean and easy application of MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B", according to Ronny Böhler, Manager of the Bogie Assembly at Stadler Winterthur AG, Switzerland.

MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B is exclusively used as corrosion protection on the bare metal parts of all newly delivered bogies, for example, on the EC250, which is built for the SBB under the name Giruno.

"It is our intention to use MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B as a protective coating on all vehicle components that require corrosion protection," added Andreas Buser, Manager of Vehicle Inspections and Fleet Surveillance at Stadler Bussnang AG, Switzerland.

Dr. Tristan Corbiere, Head of Research and Development at Max Lehner AG emphasised that an assessment in the specified corrosion protection categories prescribed by EN ISO 9223 and following the EN ISO 12944-6 standard were carried out using accredited test procedures. According to the requirements listed there, MAXOLEN CorrProtect 41-B has been assigned to the C3 category with a protection period of 5-15 years.

"CorrProtect has already been used in the automobile industry for decades, where it has proven itself to be a first-class anti-corrosion protection agent. In the course of the 8-year qualification process, in cooperation with Stadler Winterthur AG, Maxolen CorrProtect 41-B has been developed to cater for the exceedingly high demands and specific requirements of the rail industry. The cooperation with Stadler Rail and the accredited laboratories was characterised by innovative impulses and an open and cooperative working environment. We look forward to further successful collaboration with Stadler Rail, which is productive and profitable for both parties," explained entrepreneur and Chairman of the Max Lehner Group, Dersim Stein.

The Max Lehner Group is a Swiss manufacturer, which has specialized in the engineering, development and production of premium chemical products since 1960.

Mainfields of activity are automotive, industry, shipyard, railway and aircraft, hospitality and gastronomy along with food and pharmaceutical companies.

Today Max Lehner AG exports worldwide and has branches in Europe, Asia and the USA.


Max Lehner AG
Stallikonerstrasse 71
CH-8903 Birmensdorf-Zürich

+41 44 737 30 75

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