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LigneSante Offers a Secure Communication Platform to Revolutionize Healthcare

17.07.2019 – 07:00

A community of medical professionals sharing ideas and solving problems

Lausanne, Switzerland (ots/PRNewswire)

LigneSante ( today announced their online communication platform for healthcare professionals. The desire to connect to a collective knowledge around the management of diseases, aware that very often the complexity of medical situations often finds an effective therapeutic response only in a multifocal approach to the problem.

"We are a community of medical professionals sharing ideas and solving problems," said Dr. Marco Fumagalli, Founder.

The idea of an online communication platform ( between healthcare professionals was born from the needs of daily activity of psychiatric doctors. The need to optimize the time available between psychotherapy sessions and the desire to connect to a collective knowledge around the management of diseases, aware that very often the complexity of the situations encountered finds an effective therapeutic response only in a multifocal approach to the problem.

There was an awareness of the importance of collaborating with other doctors and therapists, and frustration in finding the right medical professionals to open a dialogue. In the days of Facebook and Instagram, which allow instant communication between millions of people, the complete lack of tools for the virtual exchange between health professionals is virtually nonexistent. In spite of the nearly limitless possibilities of exchange made available by the web, the constitution of a network of collaboration remained a temporary reality and complicated to make manifest.

From this awareness, an idea came to mind: To create a community of doctors and therapists ( who can communicate in the virtual space of the web and grow in the collective knowledge of the treatment of disease. A collective effort to bring ever more appropriate and effective responses to the suffering of patients. A local and global exchange community that is self-powered and strengthened through the secure communication made available by the platform.

LigneSante respects the convictions and ideas of all professionals who choose to use it. It is often difficult to approach therapeutic methods that are related to a nontraditional approach, such as the approach proposed by medicine as a whole, which does not rely on strictly "scientific" bases. With that said, LigneSante takes up the challenge of integrative medicine by promoting the exchange between the two disciplines, through a shared room, in which the meeting between these two different worlds, both fascinating, rich and complex, will be possible.

LigneSante is an instrument that is flexible, interactive, evolving, able to adapt and respond to the requests of those who animate and live it: The doctors and therapists who are part of it. The platform goes where the therapeutic community wants it to go. For this reason, feedback from medical professionals is welcome and essential to the team that manages the platform.

LigneSante aims to be a bridge between the therapeutic community and its customers who require help. Outside the spaces reserved for health professionals, there is a possibility for people asking for help, to have access to a sizeable therapeutic community (, through a single platform. This means more visibility for the professional and more ease of access to the care network for the patients.

What are the origins of the concept of integrative medicine (


Combining conventional and complementary medicine concepts based on scientifically proven facts, hence, yielding a patient-focused approach.

The idea initially appeared in the 1990s in the United States; Doctors explored the concept of Integrative Medicine, IM. David Eisenberg and Andrew Weil are early pioneers of IM. Born from the observation of the evolution of lifestyles, the food eaten, physical activity, and the management of stress, which enables personal well-being in general, integrative medicine is a new way of personalized healthcare. In this new approach to medicine, the relationship between the patient and doctor becomes significant. Hospital settings, both in Canada and in France, are becoming more and more interested. What is it?

One of the basic principles of IM is to take advantage of the best care offered by conventional and complementary approaches for the patient's recovery as quickly as possible. The Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec has defined IM as, "when we talk about integrative medicine, we talk about combining the best care of Western scientific medicine with complementary approaches to maintain health and improve well-being."1

Conventional medicine, also known as Western medicine, is the most comprehensive medical approach in the world. According to the principles, a person is treated either by medication, therapy or surgery. All treatments are based on validated and proven scientific knowledge. Complementary medicine, also known as unconventional, nontraditional, alternative, mild or holistic medicine, is defined by the World Health Organization,OSM as, "the total of knowledge, skills and practices that are grounded in culture-specific theories, beliefs and experiences that are used to maintain human health and to prevent, diagnose, treat and cure physical and mental illnesses. There are many unconventional medicines: acupuncture, aromatherapy, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, massage therapy, Qi Gong, Shiatsu, yoga, etc."

Thus, the integrative medical approach allows uniting different forms of therapies from both conventional and alternative medicine to provide the best-personalized care to the patient.

Although integrative medicine includes the principles of unconventional medicine, it only uses approaches whose effects are scientifically verified. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NCCAM, indicates that integrative medicine is a combination of conventional medical therapies, alternative and complementary medicine therapies, for which there is high-quality scientific evidence about safety and effectiveness of treatments.

As pointed out by Thierry Janssen, MD, surgeon and psychotherapist, in an article published in 2006, more and more complementary medicine is being studied in university research chairs. "Thus, for example, at Harvard University, observing the effects of acupuncture on the brain has shown that stimulation of a specific point causes neuronal activation in a brain area whose specificity is related to results predicted by Chinese theory. Thus, there are cerebral corporeal bonds outside the classical neurological pathways." However, researchers are looking at new research methods because conventional techniques are not always appropriate in the analysis of complementary medicines. Larry Willms, Associate Clinical Professor in the Division of Clinical Sciences at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, says that in most cases patients with the same disorder will be treated differently, as part of an alternative approach. Thus, "individualized care does not lend itself to conventional scientific study."2

In Canada and the United States, more than 35 universities have joined the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine. Medical schools such as Harvard Medical School, the University of Calgary, and Stanford University are all institutions committed to reviewing the medical education curriculum to incorporate complementary approaches that have been proven beneficial.

Integrative medicine is articulated around different principal axes that all have the same common point: the patient. The relationship between the patient and physician is of particular importance and is based on a climate of trust. Dr. Willms mentions in his article, "just like family medicine, integrative medicine offers a patient-centered model where the physician's contribution nevertheless becomes more critical. This concept encourages caregivers to understand their health status better to guide their patients better."

LigneSante ( will be available starting 01/08/19, at a free 90-day trial and CHF 9.99 thereafter. For more information on LigneSante (, visit

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1. Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec. 2008. "Integrative medicine". In the Physician of Quebec, Volume 43, Number 1 January 2008. Online. Accessed 21 February 2013.

2. World Health Organization. 2000. "Traditional medicine: definition". In general, methodological principles for the research and evaluation of traditional medicine. Online Accessed February 21, 2013.

JANSSEN, Thierry. 2006. "For an integrated medicine". In book 2. Online. Accessed February 26, 2013. 1. WILLMS, Larry. 2008. "Blending in, is integrative medicine the future of family medicine?" In Canadian Family Physician. Online Accessed February 26, 2013.

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Jayson Lux 
Lux Inbound
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