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Let's Talk About Retirement: Unexpected Costs to Plan For

06.11.2023 – 06:53

Let's Talk About Retirement: Unexpected Costs to Plan For

Guest Post: Daria Mühlethaler

Let's Talk About Retirement: Unexpected Costs to Plan For

Switzerland is a fantastic place to live, but when it comes to retirement, there are a few financial surprises that we need to think about. Given that we want to continue enjoying the chocolate and cheese sides of things as much as before, So, let's dive into the unexpected financial challenges that could come our way.

The Gender Pension Gap

First things first, I’m never tired of highlighting the gender pension gap. On average, we earn less than men throughout our careers because, let's face it, the wage gap is still a thing or has already impacted our earnings and therefore the pension fund contribution in the past. To give you an idea, the average basic monthly pension for women in Switzerland is around CHF 1,300, whereas for men, it's closer to CHF 2,300.

Health insurance expenses will increase for sure.

Now, let's talk about health insurance. Yes, Swiss healthcare is top-notch, but it doesn't come cheap. As we age, our health insurance expenses can skyrocket, and our longer life expectancy (longevity is a blessing that comes at a cost) means we might need more healthcare. Those premiums can bite into our budgets, and it's not uncommon to pay over CHF 400 per month for comprehensive health coverage.

Living costs might make you adjust your lifestyle.

Switzerland's cost of living just keeps climbing. Everything from housing to groceries and utilities is getting more expensive. If you're living solo, you'll feel this pinch even more. On average, renting a one-bedroom apartment in a Swiss city can set you back around CHF 1,500 to CHF 2,000 per month.

What if you want to move to a nursing home?

Now, here's the kicker: nursing home costs. Switzerland's healthcare system is great, but it doesn't come free, especially when it comes to long-term care. Nursing home costs can vary widely depending on the level of care required and the region, but on average, you might need to budget around CHF 6,000 to CHF 8,000 per month for a good-quality nursing home. Would you be financially prepared for it?

Supporting family duties might continue

It's in our nature to care for our families, and that doesn't stop in retirement. Some of us may find ourselves supporting our adult kids or elderly parents financially. Especially if children were born when you were of advanced age, they might still be studying when you retire, which will keep you obliged to provide funding. This added responsibility can seriously strain our finances.

Tax complexities and impacts might hit you harder than your peers.

Ah, Swiss taxes—they can be complicated. Depending on where you live in the country, tax rules and rates can make a big difference in your income and wealth. Knowing how to manage your taxes is a big part of retirement planning, so don't forget it. Be informed well in advance about expected taxes and how they rank compared to other regions. It might turn out your neighbourhood village has way more attractive conditions, so you might consider and prepare for moving over.

And now comes a call to action.

As we look ahead to our retirement, we've got to be ready for these and other hidden financial challenges. The pension gap, rising costs, health insurance, nursing homes, family support, and taxes—they're all part of the game. But with some smart financial planning, saving, and investing, we can better navigate these surprises and ensure we have a comfortable and secure retirement. Let's take control of our financial futures and enjoy our retirement years with confidence and peace of mind!

Karen Wendt

President of SwissFinTechLadies

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