
EANS-News: Henkel: Changes in Supervisory Board and Shareholders' Committee set for September


Düsseldorf (euro adhoc) -

Albrecht Woeste to hand over to Simone Bagel-Trah
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Unternehmen/Shareholders' Committee
Henkel: Changes in Supervisory Board and
Shareholders' Committee set for September Albrecht Woeste to hand 
over to Simone Bagel-Trah Albrecht Woeste, Chairman of the 
Supervisory Board and of the Shareholders' Committee of Henkel AG & 
Co. KGaA announced at today's Annual General Meeting of the company 
that he would be retiring from these offices in September 2009 and 
would be proposing to the members of both corporate bodies that they 
elect Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah as his successor. This handing-over of 
the corporate baton from the fourth to the fifth generation of the 
Henkel family was first announced last year.
Effective September 18, 2009, Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah will be taking 
over from Albrecht Woeste the positions of Chair of the Supervisory 
Board and of the Shareholders´ Committee at Henkel. In keeping with 
the company´s traditions, the question of succession had been dealt 
with well in advance of this date, Albrecht Woeste having announced 
the generation change at last year´s AGM.
As a member of Henkel´s corporate bodies, Albrecht Woeste has been 
intimately involved in the Henkel history for a number of decades. 
The 73 year old has been Chair of the Supervisory Board and of the 
Shareholders´ Committee of Henkel since 1990. A great-grandson of 
company founder Fritz Henkel, he represents the fourth generation of 
the family to have taken the helm of this tradition-rich company. 
"With a unique set of outstanding personal qualities, Albrecht Woeste
has for many years contributed to making the mix of corporate 
endeavor and family values a factor for success at Henkel. And for 
this I would like, on behalf of all Henkel´s employees, to express to
him our deepest thanks," commented Kasper Rorsted, Chairman of the 
Henkel Management Board.
As a great-great-granddaughter of the company founder, Dr. Simone 
Bagel-Trah is part of the fifth generation of the Henkel family 
established since his time. "I would like to thank everybody for the 
confidence that they have shown in me and am looking forward to 
meeting the challenges that await me as the new chair of the two 
corporate bodies," she said. The 40 year old doctor of microbiology 
and mother of two is partner and director of the clinical 
microbiological research company Antiinfectives Intelligence 
domiciled in Rheinbach near Bonn in Germany.
Photo material and also the CVs of Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah and Albrecht
Woeste are available for downloading at:
For more than 130 years, Henkel has been a leader with brands and 
technologies that make people's lives easier, better and more 
beautiful.  Henkel operates in three business areas - Home Care, 
Personal Care, and Adhesive Technologies - and is ranked among the 
Fortune Global 500 companies. More than 60 percent of Henkel´s sales 
are in fast-moving consumer goods, while the industrial business 
accounts for almost 40 percent of the company´s total sales. In 
fiscal 2008, Henkel generated sales of 14,131 million euros and 
adjusted operating profit of 1,460 million euros. Henkel´s more than 
55,000 employees worldwide are dedicated to fulfilling the company´s 
corporate claim, "A Brand like a Friend," and ensuring that people in
more than 125 countries can trust in brands and technologies from 
Lars Witteck                      Wulf Klüppelholz
Tel.    +49 211 797 - 2606               Tel.   +49 211 797 - 1875
Fax     +49 211 798 - 12606     Fax     +49 211 798 - 9208
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Chief Communications Officer:
Ernst Primosch, Corporate Vice President


Heike Ambaum
Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 (0)211 797-2942

Branche: Konsumgüter
ISIN: DE0006048432
WKN: 604843
Index: DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / Regulierter Markt/Prime Standard
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