Storys aus Bern

  • 23.09.2014 – 18:30

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Group / BKW successfully places CHF 163 million senior convertible bonds

    Bern (ots) - BKW AG ("BKW") announces the successful placement of CHF 163,375,000 senior unsecured convertible bonds due 2020 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds will be convertible into 4.2 million registered shares of BKW (the "Shares"), representing 8.0 % of its currently issued share capital. The Shares to be delivered upon conversion will be sourced from BKW's existing ...

  • 23.09.2014 – 07:20

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Group / BKW launches CHF senior convertible bond offering

    Bern (ots) - Not for release, publication or distribution in the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia, or in any other jurisdiction in which such distribution would be prohibited by applicable law. This announcement is an advertisement and not a prospectus and not an offer of securities for sale in any jurisdiction, including in or into the United States of America, Australia, Canada or Japan or any ...

  • 11.09.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Half-Year Results 2014 BKW on track

    Bern (ots) - BKW Group achieved a strong result in the first half of 2014, recording an increase in total operating revenue. Operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment decreased to CHF 224 million and net profit to CHF 92 million compared to the prior-year figures, which were, however, positively impacted by one-off factors. Adjusted for the positive one-off effects in 2013, profit was up slightly ...

  • 10.09.2014 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    Strategy / BKW enters the heating installation market

    Bern (ots) - BKW is now active in the heating installation market. In order to accelerate market entry, it has acquired the companies Neukom Installationen AG (Rafz), Hertig Haustechnik AG (Wohlen) and Cantoni Haustechnik AG (Wohlen). All three of the companies acquired by BKW are to be integrated into BKW ISP AG, but will continue to be run as independent entities using their existing names. In this way they will retain ...

  • 08.09.2014 – 10:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant / Annual revision of Mühleberg nuclear power plant completed

    Bern (ots) - The Swiss supervisory authority ENSI (Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate) has authorised the repowering of Mühleberg nuclear power plant (KKM). The facility had been closed since 10 August 2014 for the annual maintenance work. During this time staff replaced fuel elements and carried out maintenance work as well as upgrades. All the work was performed ...

  • 28.08.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Group Strategy / BKW sells interest in Jungfraubahn Holding AG

    Bern (ots) - BKW is selling its interest in Jungfraubahn Holding AG to several investors. The planned transaction will extend BKW's financial scope and accelerate the drive to build up new business fields. This supports BKW's new business focus as a provider of comprehensive energy and infrastructure services. The transaction involving the sale of BKW's stake to ...

  • 20.08.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Distribution Grid / ElCom recognises higher value for distribution grid

    Bern (ots) - The Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) has recognised a higher value for the distribution grid and has adjusted the figure upwards by around CHF 400 million. Based on this decision, BKW is able to claim higher income for the use of the distribution grid. BKW welcomes this decision, which will enable additional investments in an innovative and ...

  • 18.08.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Pricing / Slight increase in electricity prices for 2015

    Bern (ots) - Electricity prices will increase slightly for BKW's customers in 2015. This adjustment is mainly due to a significant increase in the statutory charges introduced to promote renewable energies (CRF). Private and basic-provision commercial customers will pay an average of 2.9% more for their electricity in 2015, primarily due to the higher statutory fees. This percentage may vary between individual customers, ...

  • 11.08.2014 – 09:05

    BKW Energie AG

    Mühleberg nuclear power plant / Annual maintenance outage begins

    Bern (ots) - BKW shut down the Mühleberg nuclear power plant (KKM) yesterday for scheduled maintenance work and refuelling to take place. The work will take about four weeks. Extensive internal and external testing of the reactor pressure vessel, preventive electrical and mechanical maintenance as well as the periodic testing of components, fittings and systems are the priorities this year. In addition, 36 of the 240 ...

  • 18.07.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Group strategy / BKW takes further step in implementation of its strategy

    Bern (ots) - BKW is planning to transfer its shareholding in swissgrid to a wholly-owned subsidiary. As part of a minority shareholding, CSA Energy-Infrastructure Switzerland, an investment group exclusively for Swiss pension funds managed by Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners AG, intends to acquire a 49.9 per cent stake in this subsidiary. BKW also aims to ...

  • 25.06.2014 – 17:47

    BKW Energie AG

    Decommissioning and Waste Disposal Fund / Annual contributions set to rise

    Bern (ots) - The Federal Council has enacted an amendment to the parameters for calculating contributions to the Decommissioning and Waste Disposal Fund as part of a revision of the Stilllegungs- und Entsorgungsfondsverordnung (SEFV; Ordinance on the Decommissioning and Waste Disposal Fund). The decision means that BKW will have to pay much higher contributions to the ...

  • 26.05.2014 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    Swissgrid / BKW reviews its stake in swissgrid

    Bern (ots) - BKW is reviewing a sale of its shareholding in swissgrid Ltd., in which it holds a 12.6% stake. The review aims to further increase BKW's financial flexibility. It is being carried out in view of BKW's strategic realignment from energy supplier to integrated energy service provider. Contact: Antonio Sommavilla ...

  • 18.05.2014 – 16:57

    BKW Energie AG

    People's Initiative "Mühleberg off the Grid" / BKW welcomes the outcome of the referendum

    Bern (ots) - BKW welcomes voters' rejection of the "Mühleberg off the Grid" initiative. The results of the referendum show that voters in the canton of Bern trust BKW and support the decision in favour of an orderly shutdown for Mühleberg nuclear power plant in 2019. BKW will continue with the preparations to shut down the plant according to plan. BKW is pleased with ...

  • 08.05.2014 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW / 2013 Sustainability report / Stepping up dialogue with stakeholder groups

    Bern (ots) - In 2013, BKW's sustainability management focused on intensifying dialogue with stakeholder groups. Sustainability is a crucial success factor for BKW in its journey from electricity producer to comprehensive energy service provider. Sustainability is not only about environmental aspects, it also has an economic and social dimension. In times of declining ...

  • 29.04.2014 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    Group Executive BKW Inc. / Ronald Trächsel named new CFO

    Bern (ots) - The BKW Board of Directors has appointed Ronald Trächsel the new Chief Financial Officer CFO and member of the Group Executive with effect from 1 August 2014. As Head of Finance and Services, he will take over from Beat Grossenbacher, who is moving to SRG SSR. Until the end of February 2014, Ronald Trächsel was CFO of the globally active Sika Group, a specialty chemicals company operating in 84 countries ...

  • 26.03.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    2013 results of BKW Inc. / Solid operating performance - foundations laid for the new BKW

    Bern (ots) - In what proved to be an exceptionally challenging economic and regulatory environment, the BKW Group achieved a very good operating profit for the 2013 financial year. Contributory factors included in particular higher production volumes, the growing service business, a stable networks business and consistent implementation of the cost reduction programme. ...

  • 10.03.2014 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Inc. Board of Directors / Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter to stand down from Board

    Bern (ots) - In view of her future mandate with the Cantonal Bank of Bern (BEKB), Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter has decided to stand down from the Board of Directors at the BKW Annual General Meeting on 9 May 2014. Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter joined the BKW Board of Directors in the spring of 2006 and has served as its Vice Chairman since May 2007. Since 2006 she has ...

  • 12.02.2014 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Photovoltaic plants / Partnership in solar energy

    Bern (ots) - BKW is selling 100% of the shares in Swiss Solar Invest AG - a company founded with a view to implementing photovoltaic plants - to UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland, a limited partnership for collective investments. For its part, Swiss Solar Invest AG is acquiring from BKW a portfolio of photovoltaic plants with a collective installed capacity of up to 4.67 MW. At the same time, BKW will enter into ...

  • 28.01.2014 – 09:26

    DECT Forum

    DECT Forum: First CAT-iq 2.0 Handsets Carry HD Voice Logo

    Bern/Barcelona (ots) - The DECT Forum, the international association of the wireless home and enterprise communication industry, is pleased to announce that the first CAT-iq 2.0 certified handsets from full members Sagemcom (D49HD) and Swissvoice (IH250) carry the HD Voice logo of the GSMA. "The DECT Forum has recently entered into a cooperation agreement with the GSMA, where CAT-iq 2.0 certified devices will be able to ...

  • 16.01.2014 – 16:57

    DECT Forum

    DECT Forum Appoints New CTO

    Bern (ots) - The DECT Forum, the international association of the wireless home and enterprise communication industry, is pleased to announce that Oliver Maiwald has been appointed CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of the DECT Forum. Oliver Maiwald succeeds Dag Akerberg who has retired after more than a decade holding the CTO position of the DECT Forum. Oliver Maiwald has previously been a Board member of the DECT Forum since January 2008, representing Dialog Semiconductor. His ...

  • 08.01.2014 – 11:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant / High-volume electricity production

    Bern (ots) - In 2013 BKW Energie AG's Mühleberg nuclear power plant (KKM) achieved an impressive volume of electricity production, generating a gross 3,068 million kilowatt hours (kWh) and recording availability of 91 percent. Due to the temporary shutdowns for maintenance work on a circulation pump, the volume of electricity was slightly lower than in the record year of 2012. Thanks to virtually fault-free operation and ...

  • 16.12.2013 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Inc. Group Executive Board / Beat Grossenbacher moving to SRG

    Bern (ots) - Beat Grossenbacher, CFO and member of the Group Executive Board of BKW Inc., has decided to move to SRG SSR. As Head of Finance and Controlling, Beat Grossenbacher will also be a member of the SRG Executive Board. As agreed with SRG, he will move to his new position with SRG by 1 July 2014. Beat Grossenbacher (53) joined the Executive Board of BKW on 1 January 2009, and from then on headed the company's ...

  • 13.12.2013 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Inc. / Tamarete gas-fired power plant / Change in power plant company shareholdings

    Bern (ots) - BKW and its Italian partner Hera S. p. A. are to take over the shares held by Zecca S.r.l. in Tamarete Energia S.r.l. power plant company in Ortona. The company operates the gas-fired power plant in Tamarete. With a capacity of 104 MW, the plant is designed to deliver supplies at peak-load times. At the end of 2008, BKW acquired a 48% stake in the Tamarete ...

  • 30.10.2013 – 07:00

    BKW Energie AG

    Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant / Decommissioning in 2019

    Bern (ots) - Over the past few months BKW Inc. has been examining various scenarios concerning the future of Mühleberg nuclear power plant (KKM) and its continued operation. It has now decided to continue operating the KKM until 2019, in compliance with all safety requirements, following which the plant will be taken off the grid. This decision was made with due consideration to all the known technical, economic, ...

  • 27.09.2013 – 17:35

    BKW Energie AG

    BKW Inc. / Raising of capital in the euro zone

    Bern (ots) - Following the successful placement last year, BKW Inc. has issued another registered note for a nominal amount of EUR 150 million and a term of 20 years. The issue was placed primarily with investors in Germany. The placement secures for BKW currency-matched funding of its foreign investments and simultaneously enlarges the investor base. The registered note was issued under the lead of Deutsche Bank AG. ...