Abonner Schweizerischer Nationalfonds / Fonds national suisse
  • 29.08.2022 – 08:00

    Sensors and actuators made from wood may be the green electronics of the future

    Bern (ots) - Sustainable electronic components can be made from wood with the help of a novel process that uses a laser to engrave electrically conductive structures on veneers. Non-biodegradable electronic waste continues to accumulate year after year. For that reason, making electronic components at least partly from a natural raw material like wood seems an obvious ...

  • 19.07.2022 – 08:00

    She wants to bridge the human-nature divide

    Bern (ots) - Johanna Jacobi is Assistant Professor for Agroecological Transitions at ETH Zurich. Through her scientific work, she aims to bring us closer to ecology. A discussion. "I've always been fascinated by plants and insects. When I was little, I collected lots of things. Sometimes I'd let my spiders out onto the kitchen table. My parents weren't too pleased," she smiles. It's hardly surprising that Johanna Jacobi, ...

  • 06.07.2022 – 08:04

    Should we rely on other tree species to adapt to global warming?

    Bern (ots) - Pubescent oak trees thrive even at higher temperatures, in part because they are active earlier in the year. Researchers supported by the SNSF put the trees of the future to the test. As trees grow, they absorb ever greater amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. Consequently, the health of trees both determines climate and is determined by it. During ...

  • 31.05.2022 – 08:00

    What triggers photoreceptor cell death in a disease leading to blindness?

    Bern (ots) - In the common eye disease retinitis pigmentosa, the rods and cones of the retina slowly die. Single cell analysis provides insights into the onset of this process. First night blindness and tunnel vision, then the loss of contrast and colour and, in the worst case, total blindness: this is the typical course of retinitis pigmentosa, a hereditary disease of ...

  • 05.05.2022 – 08:00

    882 million francs invested in research in 2021

    Bern (ots) - Last year, the SNSF selected around 1800 research projects for funding. It also launched new funding measures because Swiss researchers are not able to participate in important areas of the Horizon Europe programme. Expanding knowledge and solving problems. That is what thousands of SNSF-funded research teams do at Swiss universities and other higher education institutions. Their curiosity and their ...

  • 29.04.2022 – 08:00

    Gravestones show that Neolithic people were skilled builders

    Bern (ots) - People 5000 years ago were already skilled builders and probably lived in the same place for generations - an old burial site reveals Stone Age secrets. A Neolithic grave discovered in 2012 near Oberbipp (BE) has turned out to be a real treasure trove for science. After ten years, a multidisciplinary research team co-funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation has published the last study on this subject ...

  • 26.04.2022 – 08:00

    Scientific images that ask questions

    Bern (ots) - The SNSF Scientific Image Competition casts an unconventional light on research conducted in Switzerland. The jury for the 2022 edition has recognized 14 works that provoke, amaze and often amuse. The winning images will be exhibited at the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography in May 2022. A virtual rendering of a historic building, the dance of neurons, a floating saucer and decomposing cadavers are just some ...

  • 21.04.2022 – 08:00

    Weather data predict risk of hospital congestion

    Bern (ots) - A team of researchers supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation has developed a mathematical model that anticipates flu peaks in hospitals based on weather data. When too many people fall ill at the same time, hospitals run the risk of congestion, as the Covid-19 pandemic showed to a certain extent. The flu virus can cause the same problems. A team of researchers supported by the Swiss National ...

  • 05.04.2022 – 08:00

    Show me your posts, and I'll tell you if you're burned out

    Bern (ots) - Artificial intelligence helps to detect burnout. Researchers supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation have developed a promising technique based on automatic analysis of text data. Burnout refers to a state of profound physical and mental exhaustion. It is difficult to detect because its symptoms can overlap with those of depression and anxiety. But artificial intelligence may hold the key to better ...

  • 29.03.2022 – 08:00

    Leaking atmospheres seal the fate of planets

    Bern (ots) - A new tool makes it possible to model the escaping atmosphere on exoplanets without overbooked space telescopes. All planets lose their atmosphere. Each day, around 90 tonnes of hydrogen and helium escape from Earth in the direction of space - but don't panic; at this rate, we've still got enough to last another 150 billion years. Our neighbour Mars is in a less enviable position. Today, its atmosphere is one ...

  • 02.03.2022 – 08:00

    Fjords in the Swiss Plateau

    Bern (ots) - A team of researchers supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation drilled a borehole into the Bernese subsoil. Their discoveries have now been published: a few hundred thousand years ago, fjords shaped the face of the Central Plateau. A few hundred thousand years ago, inhabitants roaming the Swiss Plateau could feast their eyes on a spectacular scene. The Alpine peaks descended steeply into a huge lake - a veritable fjord landscape. A team of researchers ...

  • 28.02.2022 – 08:00

    Elderly people deal surprisingly well with stress

    Bern (ots) - There are very few areas where the over-60s' cognitive abilities deteriorate under acute stress. They even have an advantage over young people when it comes to working memory. Have you ever been in an interview and suddenly been unable to think of a name because you were nervous? Or have you forgotten what you wanted to say while giving a presentation? Laboratory researchers are confronting their study ...

  • 31.01.2022 – 08:00

    India: using co-working spaces to recycle e-waste sustainably

    Bern (ots) - A team of Swiss and Indian scientists are developing an environmentally responsible, solidarity-based business model that aims to reduce the pollution associated with e-waste recycling. In India, more than 90% of e-waste is handled by the informal sector. While this provides income for many families, it also often has a negative impact on the environment and on workers' health. Introducing and enforcing ...

  • 18.01.2022 – 08:00

    Animal experiments and 3R: Immune cells live in a complex world

    Bern (ots) - Some research relies almost entirely on animal models. An example is the SNSF-funded project on virus surveillance in the mouse brain. "The immune system has a place where it is born, a place where it is educated and a place where it goes to work." Natalia Pikor, research group leader at St. Gallen cantonal hospital, is studying one of the most complicated systems in the bodies of vertebrate animals and ...

  • 11.01.2022 – 08:00

    Animal experiments and 3R: mucous membrane as a model

    Bern (ots) - In an SNSF-funded project, researchers are studying how bacteria infect the lungs. They are developing an alternative to animal testing that complements existing methods. When bacteria enter our lungs or live in our guts, they physically interact with our own cells that line the openings of our body like a protective layer. Some bacteria help us digest, others make us sick. Alexandre Persat from EPF Lausanne ...

  • 04.01.2022 – 10:46

    Animal experiments and 3R: Wound healing in mice and cell cultures

    Bern (ots) - Research projects involving animal experiments employ a variety of methods. An SNSF-funded project on skin diseases, ulcers and cancer exemplifies this. Sabine Werner, professor of cell biology at ETH Zurich, studies how wounds heal. Knowledge of cell and tissue processes helps to better understand, diagnose and treat certain skin diseases. Here the focus is not primarily cuts and abrasions but rather wounds ...

  • 23.12.2021 – 08:00

    Gut bacteria linked to infant sleep patterns

    Bern (ots) - A study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation shows that the link between sleep behaviour and intestinal flora is already present in infancy. The gut flora of infants is connected to their sleep patterns. This effect is evident from the age of three months, as sleep researchers Salome Kurth of the University of Fribourg and Sarah Schoch of the University of Zurich have now shown. For example, ...

  • 15.12.2021 – 08:00

    Wastewater provides new insight into Covid-19 dynamics

    Bern (ots) - An interdisciplinary team funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation shows that the R number of coronavirus can be estimated quickly and cost-effectively from wastewater. Since the start of the coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2) pandemic, many public health measures have been decided based on its dynamic of spread, more precisely, on the reproductive number of the virus, known as the R number. This value indicates ...