Visite en provenance de l'Ukraine
Berne (ots)
Berne,le 10 juin 2004
Une délégation venue de Crimée étudie le développement des communes en Suisse orientale
Des représentants politiques de la République autonome de Crimée / Ukraine visiteront la Suisse du 14 au 19 juin, sur invitation de la DDC. Ce voyage détude dune durée de six jours permettra aux participants davoir un aperçu des possibilités de développement des communes dans les domaines du tourisme et de lagriculture. Le programme comprend des visites de projets municipaux dans les cantons de Thurgovie, de St Gall et des Grisons, ainsi que des contacts avec les autorités et avec des institutions privées.
Forte de seize membres, la délégation compte, outre le ministre de léconomie de la République autonome de Crimée, de nombreux députés d'assemblées régionales et municipales ainsi qu'un représentant du Programme de développement des Nations Unies (PNUD). Laccent sera mis sur la visite de projets des communes dans le domaine du tourisme, ainsi que dans ceux de lagriculture et de la sylviculture. Ces secteurs économiques sont ceux qui, en Crimée, ont le plus grand potentiel de développement. Les possibilités de participation des citoyens aux décisions politiques ainsi que diverses formes de collaboration entre léconomie privée, des associations et le secteur public seront illustrées par des exemples tirés de différentes communes de Suisse orientale.
Après le début de la visite à Berne, où le programme comporte des contacts avec les autorités fédérales, la délégation se rendra auprès d'organisations agricoles du canton de Thurgovie. Mercredi, les visiteurs venus de Crimée seront les invités du maire de Rorschach et visiteront les services techniques de cette ville. Jeudi, la délégation sera reçue par Antoni Derungs, Secrétaire général de la Lia Rumantscha à Coire. La participation des minorités linguistiques sera au centre de la journée grisonne. Ce voyage détude prendra fin vendredi avec différentes visites et contacts à St Gall.
La visite de cette délégation de Crimée intervient dans le cadre dun programme du PNUD bénéficiant du soutien de la DDC et ayant pour but d'accompagner le retour et la réintégration des Tatares de Crimée et dautres groupes ethniques déportés pendant lère soviétique. Afin de prévenir les tensions qui pourraient survenir dans cette région multiculturelle de lUkraine, des représentants des différents groupes de population et des autorités municipales participent à la planification et à la mise en uvre des projets. La mise en place de systèmes dadduction deau potable et la réalisation de cliniques pour les soins ambulatoires constituent les points forts de cette coopération.
Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC)
Pour de plus amples informations : Thomas Jenatsch, porte-parole de la DDC, 031 325 91 26 079 300 48 63
Study Tour to Switzerland, 13 20 June 2004
of a delegation from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea / Ukraine invited by the the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Visit Programme Updated June 10, 14.00h
Some appointments still subject to confirmation or change. Tour organization and guiding by Skat Consulting, St. Gallen, on behalf of SDC / DEZA. Contact persons at Skat Consulting: Mrs. Gisela Giorgi, 071 228 54 54, Mr. Jonathan Hecke, 071 228 54 34 / mob. 079 734 57 48 All transports within Switzerland will be made by coach. (Ebneter Bus, St. Gallen, driver: Mr. Robert Riedler, mob. 079 316 35 41) Hotels: 13.06: Hotel National, Berne, 14.-19.06: Einstein Hotel, St. Gallen A list of participants is attached at the end of the Visit Programme
Timeline Programme Place Guide / moderator Sunday June 13 Arrival day Da Day programme organization: Skat Mr. Jonathan Hecke (JH), Skat 11.10 Arrival @ Zürich Airport, with Ukraine International Airlines (PS 471) from Kiev Zürich JH Welcome by Skat Consulting, transfer to Zürich with bus JH 12.00-16.30 Sightseeing programme in Zürich and excursion on Lake Zürich Lunch on board Zürich, Zürichsee, Rapperswil Mr. Armin Rieser, Zürich City tour guide 16.30-18.00 Transfer to Berne by bus Check-in at Hotel National JH 19.00 Table for dinner reserved at Hotel National, Berne Berne (JH) Monday June 14 Thematic field: Introduction to Swiss political and administrative system Day programme organization: SDC Berne, Skat Berne Mr. Michel Evéquoz, SDC 8.15 Bus departure at Hotel National JH 8.30-9.30 Reception by the Director of SDC, Ambassador Walter Fust, the Director for Cooperation with Eastern Europe, Mrs. Therese Adam, and the Director of the Section for Cooperation with the CIS states, Mr. Hans-Peter Maag SDC room 2019 M. Evéquoz (ME) 9.30-10.00 Introduction to Swiss policy on language and cultural minorities, Mr. Constantin Pitsch, Federal Office for Cultural Affairs SDC room 2019 ME 10.00-10.30 Coffee break at SDC ME 10.30-11.00 Transfer to the Bundeshaus (House of the Federal Council) ME 11.00-12.00 Introduction to Swiss political system, federalism, decentralization, by Dr. Georg Lutz, University of Berne Bundeshaus West w240 ME 12.00-12.30 Reception and discussion of relations between Ukraine and Switzerland by Ambassador Marc-André Salamin, Director of Politische Abteilung I at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bundeshaus West w240 ME 13.00-14.30 Lunch at Dählhölzli, offered by the Swiss Government Dählhölzli ME 15.00-15.30 Informal meeting with Dr. Felix Walker, Member of the National Council (Nationalrat) for St. Gallen Federal Parliament JH 15.30-16.00 Guided tour through the House of Parliament Visitors Service of Parliament 16.00-17.00 Introduction to Swiss agriculture policy, by Mr. Thomas Maier, BLW Federal Department of Agriculture Bundeshaus West w240 ME 17.00-19.00 Transfer to St. Gallen with bus Check-in at Einstein Hotel, St. Gallen JH 20.00 Table for dinner reserved at Hotel National, St. Gallen St. Gallen (JH) Tuesday June 15 Thematic field: Agriculture Day programme organization: Cantonal Dept. of Agriculture of Canton Thurgau, Skat Canton Thurgau Mr. Hans Stettler 079 215 04 32 8.00 Departure at Einstein Hotel (Mr. Stettler joins us at 8.45 at Parkplatz Autobahnausfahrt Matzingen) JH Thematic excursion: Agriculture sector Guided by Mr. Hans Stettler, Director of the Department of Agriculture, Canton Thurgau - Introduction to economic and institutional framework, sector and challenges (inputs will be given by Mr. Stettler during bus transfers) - Meetings with Farmers Associations - Visit of farms and processing and marketing enterprises of various scales and production sectors Mr. Hans Stettler 9.00 Farm visit 1: yegetable production and marketing. Hors-sol production of witloof (Chicorée). The farmer, Mr. Erwin Gamper, is also President of the Thurgau Vegetable Producers Association (Gemüseproduzentenverband). Stettfurt, Gamper Gemüsebau Mr. Erwin Gamper 079 671 32 79 10.30 Reception / coffee break (Apéro) and farm visit 2: Field crop and pig farm. The farmer, Mr. Andreas Binswanger, is also the President of the Thurgau Farmers Association (Bauernverband). Tägerwilen, Gutsbetrieb Brunegg AG Mr. Andreas Biswanger 079 755 62 51 12.00 Farm visit 3: Field crops, milk production, pig breeding Münsterlingen, Staatsdomäne Mr. Hansueli Iseli 079 433 99 65 13.00 Lunch at Restaurant Schwanen, offered by Canton Thurgau Altnau, Rest.. Schwanen 071 695 18 16 15.00 Farm visit 4: Berry production and marketing Steinebrunn, Sonnenhof Mr. Werner Müller 079 352 53 30 17.00 Farm visit 5: Fruit production and fruit tree nursery. The farmer, Mr. Edwin Huber, is also the President of the Thurgau Fruit Association (Obstverband).
Typical snacks consisting of local products and apple juice will be offered at the farm. Neukirch (Egnach), Burkhartshof
Mr. Edwin Huber 079 355 82 10 18.45 Departure to the City of Arbon JH 19.25-19.55 Boat trip on Lake Constance Arbon Romanshorn JH 20.00-21.00 Return trip by bus to St Gallen Romanshorn St. Gallen JH Wednesday June 16 Thematic field: Public services and local government Day Programme organization: City Council of Rorschach, Technische Betriebe Rorschach, Municipality of St. Gallen, Skat Canton St. Gallen (Various guides) 7.30 Departure at Einstein Hotel JH 8.00-9.00 Reception by the Mayor of Rorschach (8600 inhabitants), Mr. Thomas Müller, and introduction to the citys political and administrative organization Rorschach, Technische Betriebe Mr. Thomas Müller 8.30-12.00 Presentation of the public utility company Technische Betriebe Rorschach (TBR; water supply and electricity), owned by the Municipality, by Mr. Hans Steiner, Director of TBR. Visit of water supply installations at Lake Constance Rorschach, TBR Mr. Hans Steiner Lunch JH 14.30-15.00 Welcome by Dr. Franz Hagmann, Member of the City Council of St. Gallen (75000 inhabitants) and Head of the Technical Services of the Municipality; brief introduction to the citys political and administrative organization St. Gallen Saal KVA Dr. Franz Hagmann 071 224 55 10 15.00-17.30 Management of wastewater and solid waste services in St. Gallen Part 1: Wastewater services (part 2 on Solid Waste Management to follow Friday morning). Presentations by the Directors of the respective services (ESA, Entsorgungsamt). Visit of the Au sewage treatment plant. (ARA Au), St. Gallen St. Gallen KVA St. Gallen, Deponie Tüfentobel, ARA Au Mr. Urs Züger (watewater services) Mr. Markus Walser / Mr. Beat Moser (solid waste management) 18.00 Return to Einstein Hotel, end of day programme JH evening free Thursday June 17 Thematic fields: Local government in a multilingual context, tourism development Day Programme organization: Lia Rumantscha, Cantonal Government. of Graubünden, Skat Canton Graubünden Mr. Gion Antoni Derungs and Mr. Werner Carigiet (Lia Rumantscha) 7.45 Departure at Einstein Hotel JH 9.00-9.40 Reception by Mr. Gion Antoni Derungs, General Secretary of Lia Rumantscha, the representative body of the Rumantsch language minority (with coffee and croissants) Chur, Hotel Stern, Tempelsaal Mr. Gion Antoni Derungs 9.40-10 Visit of the Cantonal Parliament (Grosser Rat; in session) Welcome by Mr. Hans Telli, President of the Cantonal Parliament. Meeting with Mr. Vincent Augustin, MP and President of Lia Rumantscha, and with Mr. Claudio Lardi, Minister of Education, Culture and Environment, Canton Graubünden Chur Parliament 10.00-10.45 Short walk through the City of Chur, guided by Mr. Derungs Chur 10.45-11.45 Overview on language and culture issues in Graubünden. Presentation by Mr. Werner Carigiet, language scientist at the Lia Rumantscha,. Chur, House of the Lia Rumantscha Mr. Werner Carigiet 079 225 91 25 11.45-12.15 Transfer to Val Schons / Schamsertal region for the afternoons thematic excursion:.Experiences of collaboration between different language and cultural groups in Canton Graubünden 12.15-13.45 Lunch and meeting with Mr. Willi Dolf, Director of the Val Schoms Tourism Development Office Val Schons 13.45-14.30 Regional language, culture and how they relate to economic / tourism development in Val Schons. Presentation by Mr. Martin Cantieni, a farmer, President of the Municipal Council of Donath, and Board Member of the Lia Rumantscha 14.30-16.15 Visit to the farm of Mrs. Donata Clopath Direct marketing of farm products Coffee and pastries will be offered near Zillis 16.15-17.00 How does Switzerland deal with its Minorities? Presentation by Mr. Romedi Arquint, MP of Graubünden and President of FUEV, Federal Union of European Nationalities / Föderalistische Union Europäischer Volksgruppen Zillis or Chur 17.15-18.00 Transfer to Malans Zillis Chur - Malans JH 18.00-19.00 Visit of wine-yard and winemaking business of Mr. Peter Wegelin in Malans. Presentation of the local Winemakers Marketing Association. Malans, Scadenagut Mr. Peter Wegelin 19.00-21.00 Wine tasting and dinner with typical dishes from Graubünden. Some of the cantonal and local authorities visited during the day will join the group for dinner. Malans, Scadenagut Mr. Peter Wegelin 21.00-22.00 Return to St. Gallen Malans St. Gallen JH Friday June 18 Thematic field: Public services and local government (solid waste management) Day Programme organization: Municipality of St. Gallen, Skat St. Gallen (Various guides) 8.45 Departure at Einstein Hotel JH 9.00-12.00 Management of solid waste services in St. Gallen. Presentation and visits of - the Tüfentobel landfill - the St. Gallen regional waste incineration plant (Kehrichtverbrennungsanlage, KVA St. Gallen) St. Gallen KVA St. Gallen, Deponie Tüfentobel, Mr. Markus Walser / Mr. Beat Moser 12.00-14.00 Lunch JH 14.00-16.00 Guided City tour of St. Gallen - Guided walk thruogh the Old City - Textile Museum (history of local industry and trade) - St. Gallen Abbey Precincts with Cathedral and Abbey Library (UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage) St Gallen Mrs. Lilian Lubetzky, City Tour Guide from St. Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus 16.30-18.00 Wrapping-up / closing workshop (Skat Consulting) End of thematic part of the study visit Conference room at Einstein Hotel JH, Jürg Christen 18.00 End of day programme St. Gallen Saturday June 19 Touristic programme St. Gallen and Canton Appenzell JH Morning and lunchtime Free for relaxing, visit of museums, shopping St. Gallen 13.30 Departure at Einstein Hotel for a special tour in Canton Appenzell , including a visit to a cheese factory, the ascension of Mount Säntis (2502 m) by cable railway, and a presentation of Swiss folk music. Canton Appenzell JH, Jürg Christen 19.00 Dinner in a mountain restaurant, offered by Skat Consulting JH, Jürg Christen ? Return to St. Gallen Sunday June 20 Departure day JH 8.00-9.00 Checkout at Hotel Einstein, St. Gallen 9.00 Departure, transfer to Zürich airport 12.10 Flight departure to Kiev
List of participants: see next page
List of Participants in the Study Tour to Switzerland
1 Dr. Volodymyr Kulish Minister of Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 2 Mr. Volodymyr Tsygansky Head of Regional State Administrations of Bakhchisarayskii Region 3 Dr. Grygoriy Globynets Head of Regional State Administrations of Kransnogvardeiskii Region 4 Mr. Fedor Kozhevnikov Head of Regional Council of Bakhchisarayskii region 5 Mr. Volodymyr Kuligin Head of Regional Council of Kransnogvardeiskii region 6 Mrs. Vira Tamaryan Head of Pochtovsky Village Council in Bakhchisarayskii Region 7 Mr. Rustem Bekyrov Head of Amurskii Village Council in Kransnogvardeiskii Region 8 Mrs. Venera Memetova Head of Community Organization Mriya, Sevastyanovka village, Bakhchisarayskii Region 9 Mr. Suleyman Shyrinsky Head of Community Organization Tsentr, Molochnoye village, Krasnogvardeiskii Region 10 Mr. Manoj Basnyat Resident Representative a.i., UNDP (Leiter des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms in der Ukraine) 11 Ms. Oksana Leschenko Senior Programme Manager, UNDP 12 Dr. Jan Harfst International Programme Coordinator, CIDP (UNDP Crimea Integration and Development Programme) 12 Mr. Basant Kumar Subba Regional Development Advisor, CIDP 14 Mr. Mansur Ametov Community Development Specialist, CIDP 15 Dr. Volodymyr Oliynik Translator 16 Dr. Andriy Bakanov Translator
The Tour is organized an will be guided, on behalf of SDC, by Skat Consulting, St. Gallen
Tour guide: Mr. Jonathan Hecke tel. 071 228 54 54, mob. 079 734 57 48