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Abonner Goldbach Group AG

Goldbach Group AG

euro adhoc: Goldbach Media AG
Annual Reports
Goldbach Media on track with two-digit revenue and EBIT growth

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annual report/groupe result 2008
Ad hoc press release
Group result 2008:
   Goldbach Media on track with two-digit revenue and EBIT growth
Revenue growth 11.8% - EBIT increased by 13.7% - profit CHF 10.33 
million -    dividend of CHF 0.57 proposed - positive start to the 
year - continued    dynamic growth forecast for 2009
Küsnacht, March 5, 2000. Goldbach Media Group, the leader in the 
advertising    marketing of private electronic, interactive and 
mobile media in Switzerland,    with the companies IP Multimedia, 
AdLINK, OnEmotion and orange8 interactive,    together with its 
international companies (Germany, Austria, Croatia,    Slovenia, 
Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Russia) increased turnover   
by 11.8% in 2008 to CHF 264.91 million and its EBIT by 13.7% to CHF 
20.28    million (prior year CHF 17.84 million). The profit for the 
year after    minority interests amounts to CHF 10.33 million (prior 
year 18.78 million    including proceeds from the sale of Radio Z and
Radio Ri; CHF 6.74 million    adjusted for these special factors). 
The EBITDA increased by 13.5% to CHF    22.89 million (prior year CHF
20.17 million). The EBIT in the online segment    increased by 21.6% 
and by 10.8% in the offline segment. A dividend    payment of 33% of 
the profit for the year or CHF 0.57 per share will be    proposed the
General Meeting.
48.8% growth in the online segment - already contributing more than 
30% to    turnover. The Goldbach Media Group already published it 
provisional sales    figures for the business year 2008 back on 
January 20, 2009. In the online    segment, the advertising 
logistician active in Switzerland, Austria and    Germany, along with
the online marketing companies in Croatia and Slovenia    acquired in
March 2008, as well as the online business in Poland, the Czech 
Republic, Romania    and Russia acquired with ARBOmedia in September 
2008, recorded sales turnover    of CHF 80.23 million, which 
corresponds to turnover growth of 48.8 %.    Adjusted for the 
acquisitions made in 2008, the organic growth in sales    turnover in
the online segment amounted to 15.2%. The uncertainty in the    
online markets in Switzerland, Austria and Germany temporarily 
throttled the    growth dynamic in the second half of 2008. The EBIT 
contribution achieved in    the online segment grew by 21.6%. With 
the online segment, which in addition    to Internet advertising also
included target group marketing over the    Internet, search engines,
mobile devices, as well as advertising in    interactive games and 
performance marketing, Goldbach Media has already    generated 30.3% 
of the total turnover (prior year 22.7%).
More stable offline segment: Increase of TV revenues    In the 
offline segment, with the marketing of private TV, teletext, radio 
and    adScreen - primarily in Switzerland - Goldbach generated 
turnover of CHF    185.86 million (prior year CHF 184.05 million). 
Sales of advertising on    private television developed clearly above
the industry trend and increased    by 5.9% to CHF 148.21 million 
(prior year CHF 139.98 million). In the fourth    quarter of 2008, 
the sales of TV advertising remained steady and proved to be    a 
stable source of revenue for Goldbach Media. Around 56% (prior year 
59%) of    the total turnover for Goldbach Media originated in 2008 
from the TV    marketing business. After the sale and loss of Radio Z
AG, Goldbach Media    still achieved in 2008 turnover of CHF 32.61 
million (prior year CHF 39.26    million) with the marketing of radio
advertising. This represents a decrease    of 16.9%. When adjusted 
for the divested activities, however, Goldbach Media    sold 4% more 
national radio advertising than in the prior year, even though    the
overall market showed recessive tendencies. The radio business 
accounted    in 2008 for around 12.3% (prior year 16.6%) of the total
turnover. The    marketing of electronic advertising at attractive 
points of sales (adScreen)    increased in the reporting year by 4.7%
to CHF 5.04 million (prior year CHF    4.81 million). The EBIT 
achieved in the offline segment improved by a total    of 10.8%.
Significant growth of the international business    Goldbach Media's 
international business grew significantly in 2008 by 79.3%.    Around
13.7% of the total revenue is now generated internationally. The    
online marketing businesses in Croatia and the activities in the 
Adriatic    region acquired in March 2008 grew in an especially 
positive manner. Only the    revenues for the online businesses in 
the fourth quarter have been included    for ARBOmedia.
Outlook: Growth in turnover and EBIT anticipated    Goldbach Media is
off to a positive start in 2009. Sales turnover in the    offline 
segment, particularly the TV advertising sales, lie above the    
corresponding values for the previous year. The radio business will 
also run    into difficulties in 2009. The volume of orders in the 
online segment is    developing in a positive manner, according to 
expectations; however, negative    currency movements are 
anticipated, particularly in Eastern Europe. In the    
German-speaking region (Switzerland, Austria, Germany) and in the 
Adriatic    region (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia), as well as in Poland 
and also the Czech    Republic, the online segment is profiting from 
the ongoing growth dynamic of    online advertising and performance 
marketing in interactive media, while the    cooling of the economy 
in Romania and Russia has been clearly noticeable    since the fourth
quarter of 2008. Goldbach Media intends to continue its    organic 
growth in the current year by focusing on the online business and, if
the opportunity arises, will also seek to drive further growth 
through    acquisitions. The online and international business shall 
again increase in    2009. Goldbach Media is anticipating a revenue 
share of between 35% and 40%    in the online segment, and between 
20% and 25% for international business.    Overall, based on market 
assessments at the beginning of 2009 business year,    Goldbach Media
anticipates growth in turnover and a further EBIT increase of    10%.
"Goldbach Media is active in a growth market as a leading marketer of
digital, interactive and mobile media, and was able to further 
strengthen its    market position in the reporting year," states 
Klaus Kappeler, CEO of    Goldbach Media. "Even with generally 
sinking advertising outlays, we    anticipate an ongoing growth 
dynamic due to the measurability of advertising    success in digital
interactive media and in the online segment. Performance    marketing
has embarked on a triumphal procession worldwide. As a specialized   
and leading advertising marketer in digital media, Goldbach Media 
intends to    gain further market share, particularly in times of 
economic recession."
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Paul Riesen
CMO Head of Marketing & Communications
Tel. +41 44 914 91 63
Mobile: +41 79 688 24 74
Fax: +41 44 914 93 60

Branche: Media
ISIN: CH0004870942
WKN: 487094
Börsen: SWX Swiss Exchange / official dealing

Plus de actualités: Goldbach Group AG
Plus de actualités: Goldbach Group AG