Tous Actualités
Abonner Körber-Stiftung


Learning from the past for tomorrow's Europe

Hamburg, Germany (ots)

On September 1, 2001 a new actor will
enter the European stage of historical culture - EUSTORY. Exactly 62
years to the day after the outbreak of the Second World War, partner
organisations from 14 European nations will join to form an
international network, under the leadership of the Hamburg Körber
Foundation. All these organisations are holding independent history
competitions in their respective countries. Together, they are
promoting the "disarmament" of history, as well as tolerance and
understanding throughout Europe.
"When all of us in Europe begin to learn about one another's
history, and to tell our own history in a way that's understandable
and more easily acceptable to others, then we'll be on the way to a
truly European perspective of history." This is one of the core
statements of the EUSTORY Charter, the official policy document
agreed on by the member organisations of the network and summarising
their approaches to history. The Charter underlines the significance
of history for each individual and thus for our living together in
Europe, and is intended to initiate a trans-European dialogue on
political history. The complete text of the Charter is freely
available on the Internet.
The main goal of EUSTORY is to guide young people towards an
independent and critical approach to their particular history by
means of historical research competitions. In addition to these young
people, history teachers, historical researchers and experts have
been internationally integrated in the network, which so far
comprises 14 civic organisations from Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany,
Estonia, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Slovenia,
the Czech Republic, the Ukraine and Wales.
The Körber Foundation, which is co-ordinating the EUSTORY network,
has been holding the German History Competition on behalf of the
German Federal President since 1973. The other network partners are
prestigious institutions; the Russian competition, for example, is
organised by the internationally well-known MEMORIAL association.
The committees:
Executive Committee
Dr. Bogdan Murgescu, Bucharest, Romania
Jim McGonigle, Helensburgh, Scotland
Dr. Svein Lorentzen, Trondheim, Norway
Dr. Wolf Schmidt, Hamburg, Germany
Alicja Wancerz-Gluza, Warsaw, Poland
Executive Director
Gabriele Bucher-Dinc
Körber Foundation, Hamburg
The Körber Foundation
The private and non-profit Körber Foundation has been committed
for decades to furthering international understanding through
historical and political culture as well as science and research. As
an operating foundation, the Hamburg organisation initiates and
finances its wide variety of activities itself. The projects are
intended to tackle current issues and, in particular, support people
who want to play an active role in shaping our society.


Gabriele Bucher-Dinc
Executive Director EUSTORY
Kurt-A.-Körber-Chaussee 10
21033 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 72 50 38 22
Fax: +49 (0)40 72 50 39 22
Mobile phone: +49 (0)160 363 1247