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Abonner Schweizerischer Nationalfonds / Fonds national suisse

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds / Fonds national suisse

The Swiss National Science Foundation and Innosuisse to step up cooperation

Bern (ots)

The implementation of research results is of central importance for the economy and society. The SNSF and Innosuisse have signed an agreement to further strengthen the interaction between science and innovation.

Through this agreement, the SNSF and Innosuisse are reiterating their shared understanding of the fact that the innovation chain - from basic research all the way through to novel products and services - requires coordinated and efficient funding. After all, research and innovation operate on a mutually beneficial basis: scientific findings and breakthroughs can lead to innovations, while, in turn, challenges for the economy and society inspire and drive forward science. The tasks and activities of both organisations are aimed at building upon Switzerland's significant achievements in research and innovation through competitive funding.

As national organisations for the public promotion of research and innovation, Innosuisse and the SNSF are expanding their existing cooperation. The agreement provides for greater coordination of funding portfolios and policies. Cooperation and exchange at an operational and strategic level will also be strengthened. For example, Innosuisse and the SNSF have decided to increase the budget of the jointly offered BRIDGE programme by 50 per cent to CHF 105 million for the period from 2021 to 2024. BRIDGE supports researchers who want to further develop their results with a view to a possible market entry.

The SNSF's Foundation Council, chaired by Jürg Stahl, and the Innosuisse Board, chaired by André Kudelski, unanimously approved the agreement on closer cooperation.


Christophe Giovannini
SNSF head of communication
Phone.: +41 031 308 23 71

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