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Abonner AvW Invest AG

AvW Invest AG

euro adhoc: AvW INVEST AG
AvW Invest AG: 2004 interim results highly satisfactory

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The financial statements of AvW are prepared in accordance with IAS
and structured in conformity with the Banking Act.
in EUR million            1-9/2004      1-9/2003     Increase in %
Balance sheet total         20.627        18.232               13%
Operating result             3.047         1.943               57%
Earnings before tax
(result on ordinary
activities)                  2.606         1.594               63%
Net income for the year      1.714         1.048               63%
Earnings per share in EUR     0.57          0.35               63%
Workforce                      160           122
Business development
Earnings in the financial services segment rose by 39% to EUR 3.272
million (2003: EUR 2.360 million), while the equity investment
segment reported a 33% increase in earnings to EUR 1.002 million
(2003: EUR 0.750 million). At EUR 0.100 million, earnings in the real
estate segment remained at a stable level. In total, the operating
income was boosted to EUR 4.374 million (2003: EUR 3.263 million). At
EUR 1.319 million (2003: EUR 1.277 million), operating expenses
remained at a stable level. Compared to 2003, the net income rose by
63%. Earnings per share came to EUR 0.57 (2003: EUR 0.35), a 63%
increase from the same period of 2003. 
AvW Invest AG continued its growth course in the core business of
financial services and the equity investment segment. The trading
programme, which specialises in stocks listed in the DAX and the ATX
Prime indices, led to a significant increase in earnings. With the
Small Caps Pankl AG (AvW Invest 5%, AvW group 18%) and S&T AG (AvW
Invest 10%) developed excellently.
As of September 30, 2004, AvW Invest AG has 150 (2003: 122) financial
partners under contract.
In the equity investment segment, AvW continues to focus on small and
mid caps in Austria and Germany. The financial partners of AvW Invest
AG offer advisory services to AvW clients throughout Austria. AvW is
also searching for new financial partners in Germany.
AvWEURs ordinary shares (AVWI.VI) are listed on the ATX Prime Market
of the Vienna Stock Exchange; AvWEURs preference shares (AVWI_p.VI)
are listed on the Auctions Market.
The report for the first three quarters of 2004 is published at
end of announcement                    euro adhoc 16.11.2004 08:30:55 

Further inquiry note:

Mag. Alexandra Anthofer

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000930409
WKN: 093040
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Plus de actualités: AvW Invest AG
Plus de actualités: AvW Invest AG
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