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Abonner Lintec Computer AG

Lintec Computer AG

euro adhoc: Lintec Information Technologies AG
Annual Reports / Consolidated loss of EUR 17m, primarily as a consequence of non-recurring factors. Registered capital of the company as per 31 March 2004 reduced by half. Restructuring largely complete.

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The consolidated financial statements for 2003 are to be presented at
today’s annual press conference.  The most important figures for
comparison are:
                                   2003       2002      Difference
                                   EUR’000    EUR’000
Revenue                            94,190     204,397   -53.9%
EBIT                              -11,173     -13,297    16.0%
EBT                               -13,680     -27,141    49.6%
Consolidated net profit/loss      -16,990     -34,894    51.6%
  net income per share            -2.03 EUR   -4.15 EUR
Operating cash flow
before interest and taxes          5,526      22,786    -75.7%
Balance Sheet Total               32,207      79,466    -59.5%
Average employees per annum          286         443    -35.4%
  of whom trainees                    31          54    -42.6%
Employees as at year end             208         388    -46.4%
The 50 percent reduction of loss compared to the preceding year is
largely due to non-recurring factors. The principal item is a EUR
10.6m by which profits were diminished  by  the companies Intenso
GmbH and rfi AG.  This takes into account their operating results,
proceeds from the sale of the LINTEC’s stake in Intenso and the sale
of the rfi business unit ‘Anycom’, as well as deconsolidation
factors.  The major steps taken towards liquidating Batavia AG also
entailed expenditure of EUR 3m.  All of these measures were part of
the planned concern restructuring programme.
This has largely contributed towards a negative number for the
concern shareholders’ equity of - EUR 5.8m in the concern accounts in
accordance with IAS rules.  LINTEC Information Technologies AG, which
is quoted on the stock exchange, is not over-indebted.
Despite a healthy level of incoming orders, operating trends in the
AG’s core business were still not satisfactory overall.  This can be
explained by the time lag of cost reductions following revenue
reductions as well as inadequate liquidity, especially in Q4 of the
reporting period.
Operating losses continued into the new year. According to its best
judgment, the Board believes that the losses sustained by LINTEC
Information Technologies AG now amount to 50 % of its registered
capital.  Accordingly, the Board will immediately meet its
obligations under Para. 92 Sect. 1 AktG (Companies Act) by bringing
this circumstance to the attention of the Shareholders’ Meeting. 
LINTEC Information Technologies AG is not over-indebted.  The banking
credit lines remain intact, and this will allow restructuring to be
completed according to plan.
The LINTEC Board now believes that the company is through the worst. 
The company expects sales of EUR 35 to EUR 40m in the current
financial year, and break even in its operating results.  Once full
advantage has been taken of the reorganisation measures currently
underway, income is expected to be substantial once again from the
following year, and to show an annual improvement.
End of ad hoc disclosure
The plans referred to in its benchmark data are in accordance with
the new working practices of LINTEC IT AG, following the sale of
Intenso GmbH and the main business of rfi AG in Q4 of last year. 
LINTEC continues to see its future as being in manufacture and
marketing, with products and services for both private and commercial
customers.  LINTEC’s business will focus on two main sectors: 
operations and venture capital.  In the first of these, the group’s
previous activities will be integrated in four divisions, namely
"Consumer Products", "Business Solutions", "New Brands" and
"Production and Logistics".  Each of these divisions will focus its
energies on achieving optimum results for its target group under a
single management team.
Further information will be available at our balance sheet press
conference today.  You can also find out more in the course of the
day by visiting or by contacting the company directly
at any time.
end of announcement        euro adhoc 31.03.2004

Further inquiry note:

Tel. 034298/71607

Branche: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: DE0006486004
WKN: 648600
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Prime Standard, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade

Plus de actualités: Lintec Computer AG
Plus de actualités: Lintec Computer AG