Simply recharge a PrePay account at the post office
Lausanne (ots)
The news is that Orange PrePay customers can now quickly, simply and conveniently recharge their mobile phones in over 2,000 post office locations. From May, owners of Yellow Accounts will additionally be able to recharge their Orange PrePay accounts with their Postcard at any Swiss Postomat. Thanks to this new service, you will no longer have to buy PrePay cards every time you want to recharge the PrePay account. An Orange Recharge card or the Postcard will suffice.
Electronic recharging of the PrePay account is simple, convenient and quick. For this purpose, you use a Recharge card, which is fed into the terminal at the post office counter like a credit card. After keying in and paying the desired amount, the requesting process is complete. Customers then receive an SMS confirmation of the amount and the fact that the PrePay account is recharged. The mobile phone is then ready for use again within a matter of seconds.
To ensure that the correct PrePay account is recharged, the user has to identify himself with his mobile phone number the first time he uses the Recharge card. The Recharge card is then ready for recharging requests. In the case of subsequent recharges, the Recharge card can be used directly for recharging exclusively with the mobile phone number which was keyed in at the time of the initial identification.
The scratch cards used so far, which have to be bought before every recharge and scratched in order to reveal a PIN code each time, will become obsolete as a result. The Orange Recharge card is free of charge and can be re-used.
The Orange PrePay account can be recharged everywhere where the Recharge logo and Orange logo are displayed - at 36 Orange locations, over 2,000 post offices, at every Postomat (from 3 May) and at the more than 650 automatic SBB ticket machines.
Therese Wenger
Media Relations
Phone: +41/21/216'10'16
Fax +41/21/216'10'15
Mobile: +41/78/787'10'16
Orange Communications SA
World Trade Center
Avenue de Gratta-Paille 2
Casella postale 455
CH-1000 Lausanne 30 Grey