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Abonner Solar-Fabrik AG

Solar-Fabrik AG

EANS-Adhoc: Solar-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft für Produktion und Vertrieb von solartechnischen Produkten
Dynamic regional markets reign 1st half 2012, positive EBIT despite continuing price erosion.

  ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
  adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
6-month report


Solar-Fabrik AG (ISIN: DE0006614712) has successfully managed to generate a
positive EBIT of 0.8 million euros (1H-2011: 0.4 million euros) from a gross
margin of ca. 16 percent. This results in a net profit of 0.3 million euros (1H-
2011: -0.8 million euros). In the first half of 2012 the company generated
revenue of ca. 45.4 million euros (1H-2011: 87.1 million euros), ca. 5.9
million euros thereof (1H-2011: 0 euros) resulting from the sale of turn-key PV
systems from the new Installation business. The decrease in revenue is both due
to volume and price. The 1H-2012 volume was ca. 45 MWp (1H-2011: ca. 56 MWp).
Given the half year number the originally forecasted volume increase for the
full year is clearly jeopardized. The price erosion has reached more than 25
percent since the beginning of the year, predominantly driven by the cuts of
the German feed-in-tariff and the continuing global oversupply.

Following the revived political discussion about feed-in-tariffs and the cost
of renewable energy the market reacted extremely dynamically with demand peaks
in March and June, just before the deadlines before the profitability of the
individual projects would have been hit by the feed-in-tariff reduction. The
short demand peaks even exceeded module availability, thus limiting the total
volume, but allowing for the lowest possible inventory after each deadline and
therefore optimizing the net result.

The consolidated financials for the period from January 1 to June 30, 2012 are
available at the website of the company.

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)761-4000 0

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Solar-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft für Produktion und Vertrieb von solartechnischen Produkten
             Munzinger Str.  10
             D-79111 Freiburg
phone:       +49(0)761 4000 0
FAX:         +49(0)761 4000 199
sector:      Alternative energy
ISIN:        DE0006614712
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated
             dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt 
language:   English

Plus de actualités: Solar-Fabrik AG
Plus de actualités: Solar-Fabrik AG