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Abonner JoWooD Productions Software AG

JoWooD Productions Software AG

euro adhoc: JoWooD Productions Software AG
Annual Reports
JoWooD presents the results of the third quarter 2006

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
•       Strongest quarterly EBIT of the year 2006
•       Sales revenues for the first three quarters 2006 doubled compared to the
        previous year
•       A settlement with the local authority of Rottenmann has been reached
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear shareholders,
JoWooD’s third quarter has been positively affected by the release of
strong products, such as "The Guild 2" and the delivery of "Gothic 3"
to our distribution partners. Altogether, the sales figures of both
of these titles developed exceptionally well. Since the end of 2005,
this is the third positive quarter in a row. With an operating result
before restructuring of TEUR 909, we have reached the strongest
quarter of this year so far. The equity ratio amounts to
extraordinary 48% excluding subordinated liabilities.
Sales revenues for the third quarter 2006 were increased by 262% up
to TEUR 4.608. The operative result in the third quarter of 2006
amounts to TEUR 273 with a respective group result of TEUR 272.
We have reached a settlement with the local authority of Rottenmann,
which provides a general adjustment of the differences regarding the
lease object. According to this settlement, the lease contract will
be terminated and several demands shall be settled. The settlement
shall be validated in the upcoming session of the district council.
The financial effects of this settlement have precautionary been
considered in the restructuring results of the third quarter. This
resolution can further improve JoWooD’s overall cost structure
The nearly finished Add On to SpellForce 2, SpellForce 2 - Dragon
Storm, will against the original plan be released in the first
quarter of 2007, in order to expand the gamer-basis for the main
product over Christmas.
With "Freak Out - Extreme Freeride" JoWooD developed another,
interesting title in line with the successful winter sports series
"Alpine Ski Racing 2007". In order to further capitalise the segment
and to provide the group of buyers of winter sports titles with an
offer that covers the entire season, we decided to release this
product after Christmas.
At the moment, "Alpine Ski Racing 2007", which we market in
cooperation with our partner RTL, is in stores for this year’s
Christmas trade.
Besides the winter sports titles, JoWooD took another step forward in
implementing its positioning within the handhelds market by
announcing its publisher status for the Nintendo® DS™ system a few
days ago. This step is the consequent implementation of expanding our
targeted gamer audiences to casual gamers and the corresponding
growing segment. Already in the pipeline for the DS™ system are
interesting titles such as "Life Signs" (a.k.a. "Tendo Dokuta 2") and
"Neighbours from Hell 2", both to be released in the first quarter
2007 and the second quarter 2007, respectively. The teaserpage of
"Life Signs" is already online at
The intended acquisition of Canada-based publisher Dreamcatcher
results in interesting opportunities for the future of the
consolidated company. An important aspect of this transaction is the
immediate and significant enlargement of the product catalogue of
both companies. The following, current titles of Dreamcatcher already
contribute to the consolidated, European group turnover in the first
and second quarter of 2007.
Q1 2007:
Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express
Aura 2 - Sacred Rings
Genesis Rising
Q2 2007:
Dead Reefs
Dr. Albert Seidl, CEO JoWooD Productions
Key Figures
All values in EUR 000                         Jan - Sept 2006   Jan - Sept 2005
Sales                                                 12.214             6.312
Costs of goods sold                                     -884            -1.643
Development costs (exclusive of depreciation of games)  -478            -1.300
Gross profit before depreciation of games             10.852             3.369
Depreciation of games                                 -5.703            -2.162
Gross profit after depreciation of games               5.149             1.207
Operating result before restructuring                  1.964            -2.430
Restructuring result                                    -561           -16.594
Operating result after restructuring                   1.403           -19.024
Result from ordinary operations                        1.166           -19.300
Result prior to minorities and changes in reserves     1.157           -19.305
Group result                                           1.157           -19.305
All values in EUR 000                              09.30.2006        09.30.2005
non- current assets                                    3.008               512
Cash on hand and in banks                              7.192               420
Accounts receivable others                             8.942            10.026
Total assets                                          19.142            10.958
shareholders` equity                                   9.145            -8.763
Longterm accounts payable                              3.783             3.867
Longterm debts to banks subordinated                   3.714                 0
short term accounts payable                            6.214            15.854
Shortterm debts to banks                                 202             5.626
Advanced payments                                        352             1.021
Equity ratio                                             48%                kA
All values in EUR 000                        Juli - Sept 2006  Juli - Sept 2005
Sales                                                  4.608             1.757
Costs of goods sold                                     -182              -273
Development costs (exclusive of depreciation of games)    94              -251
Gross profit before depreciation of games              4.520             1.233
Depreciation of games                                 -2.187              -249
Gross profit after depreciation of games               2.333               984
Operating result before restructuring                    909                84
Restructuring result                                    -543            -5.605
Operating result after restructuring                     366            -5.521
Result from ordinary operations                          273            -5.576
Result prior to minorities and changes in reserves       272            -5.577
Group result                                             272            -5.577
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 30.11.2006 08:15:35

Further inquiry note:

JoWooD Productions Software AG
Dr. Albert Seidl, Vorstand
Mag. Philipp Brock, Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 (0)3612 2828

Branche: Software
ISIN: AT0000747357
WKN: 935221
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ViDX
Börsen: Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Plus de actualités: JoWooD Productions Software AG
Plus de actualités: JoWooD Productions Software AG