New SWITCH website for Internet Domains
Zurich (ots)
As of 1 October 2005, it will be even easier than before to register a domain name via the internet. SWITCH, the registry for domain names ending in .ch and .li, has redesigned the "Internet Domains" section of its website in response to changing customer needs. Users will benefit not only from the new design but also from optimised processes and functions. The launch of this new website zone necessitates a service interruption between 7.00 and approximately 14.00 on 1 October 2005. During this time, it will not be possible to register or delete domain names, submit requests or conduct WHOIS enquiries. The service interruption does not affect the accessibility of websites.
Intuitive and practical user guidance
In order to provide the best response to customer needs, those in charge at SWITCH clarified user requirements beforehand, together with a range of external experts, and channelled these into the design of the software. Customers can now register a domain name for themselves in four simple steps. Explanations and help can be obtained by clicking on specially marked information and question-mark buttons. And, as of now, each customer has an account for administering their domain names and other data.
Administration of domain names: Login necessary
With the exception of new registrations, user may only submit requests after logging in. A shopping basket has also been incorporated in the registration process, making it possible to search for different variants on a domain name. This also allows several domain names to be registered at once.
Reduced charge for registration
SWITCH is hoping to receive as much feedback as possible on its new "Internet Domains" web pages. Customers can thus register domain names at a reduced rate on Saturday, 1 October and Sunday, 2 October if they send their feedback on the new application to SWITCH by e-mail at Anyone registering one or more domain names with the new registration application on one of these two days, will receive REKA cheques for a value of CHF 40.- per domain name from SWITCH, equivalent to the registration fee, once they have paid the bill.
The SWITCH Foundation has operated the Swiss Education & Research Network for 18 years, which guarantees the universities access to the information society. The high-performance network links users in Switzerland with each other, with Europe, and with countries overseas. Operating the Swiss Education & Research Network gives SWITCH the necessary know-how and provides the technological basis for operating the registry for domain names ending in .ch and .li.
Roland Eugster or
Marco D'Alessandro
Limmatquai 138
P.O. Box
CH-8021 Zurich
Phone +41/1/253'98'73
Phone +41/1/253'98'66
Fax +41/1/268'15'68