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Intercell AG

euro adhoc: Intercell AG
Australia first country to receive positive recommendation for Intercell's Vaccine to Prevent Japanese Encephalitis

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New Products
» Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) has issued a positive
  recommendation for Intercell's first product, a new vaccine against
  Japanese Encephalitis
» Marketing approvals in Europe and USA are expected in December 2008
» New vaccine targets travelers to, and population in, endemic areas
Vienna/Austria, December 12, 2008 - Intercell AG (VSE: ICLL) today 
announced that the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) has 
issued a positive recommendation for the company´s new vaccine 
against Japanese Encephalitis. Following the recommendation by ADEC, 
approval of Intercell´s JE vaccine in Australia is subject to final 
authorization by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the 
regulatory body responsible for the evaluation of new therapies in 
Australia. The TGA considers the advice and recommendation provided 
by ADEC when making its final decision. ADEC recommended the 
Intercell JE vaccine for active immunization against Japanese 
Encephalitis (JE) virus for persons 18 years of age and older. 
JESPECT should be considered for use in persons who plan to reside in
or travel to areas where JE is endemic (common) or epidemic 
Intercell is successfully advancing parallel regulatory processes in 
all key markets and marketing approval in the U.S. and Europe is also
expected before the end of the year.
Japanese Encephalitis is a deadly disease that kills as many as 30% 
of symptomatic persons who develop encephalitis. Japanese 
Encephalitis is becoming a larger risk for travelers. There is 
increasing travel to rural areas where the disease is more common, 
and climate change is extending the range of disease-carrying 
"This is a major accomplishment for Intercell. The JE-vaccine 
addresses a critical unmet need for effective and safe protection 
against Japanese Encephalitis, not only for travelers, but also for 
people living in endemic areas," said Gerd Zettlmeissl, Chief 
Executive Officer of Intercell AG. "We are also still very optimistic
about positive decisions in the U.S. and Europe this year."
Intercell's vaccine is a purified, inactivated product for active 
immunization against viral infections of Japanese Encephalitis. The 
vaccine is manufactured in Intercell's proprietary manufacturing 
facility in Scotland and is prepared using tissue culture rather than
live organisms.
About Japanese Encephalitis
Japanese Encephalitis is a mosquito-borne infection that strikes 
30,000 to 50,000 a year, causing 10-15,000 deaths up to 50% of 
survivors have persistent neurological sequelae. Japanese 
Encephalitis is the leading cause of viral neurological disease and 
disability in Asia, and is the most important viral encephalitis in 
Asia. The disease is most common in several developing countries in 
Asia. No treatment is currently available; only vaccination 
effectively prevents the disease. Though other vaccines have been 
available in the past, use of those products has been limited by 
reports of neurological reactions.
About Intercell's JE vaccine
Intercell's novel JE vaccine is a purified, inactivated vaccine for 
active immunization against the Japanese Encephalitis virus. With 
over 3 billion people living in endemic areas, Japanese Encephalitis,
a mosquito-borne flaviviral infection, is the leading cause of 
childhood encephalitis and viral encephalitis in Asia. The vaccine 
was developed for over 10 years under a Collaborative Research and 
Development Agreement (CRADA) with the Walter Reed Army Institute of 
Research (WRAIR).
Intercell's Phase III trials for the vaccine found that the vaccine 
demonstrated excellent immunogenicity against Japanese Encephalitis 
and an overall clinical safety profile similar to placebo combined 
with an excellent local tolerability profile. That data was published
in The Lancet in December 2007: » The immunogenicity was comparable 
to that of the U.S. licensed   product, JE-VAX® » Intercell's vaccine
demonstrated an overall clinical safety profile   similar to placebo 
» Further, Intercell's JE vaccine had an excellent local tolerability
profile in the head-to-head study with JE-VAX®
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-1303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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