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Intercell AG

euro adhoc: Intercell AG
Joint Ventures/Cooperation/Collaboration
Intercell update on technology partnerships: Intercell outlicenses Group B Streptococcus vaccine

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Research & Development
» Group B Streptococcus vaccine program licensed to Novartis - 
Intellectual   property cross license agreement will allow Novartis 
to focus on vaccines   and Intercell on therapeutic antibodies in 
this indication » Extension of collaboration with Sanofi Pasteur on 
undisclosed bacterial   vaccine towards product development » 
Pre-clinical evaluation of IC31® with Wyeth in multiple infectious 
vaccine   indications progressing well » Revenues and revenue 
recognition from technology partnerships in the fourth   quarter 2008
expected to clearly exceed EUR 10 m
Vienna (Austria), December 19, 2008 - Intercell today announced that 
the Company has transferred on an exclusive basis its pre-clinical 
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) vaccine program to Novartis. At the same 
time Intercell has kept and received co-exclusive rights for the 
development of therapeutic antibodies against Group B Streptococcus 
and has in-licensed additional rights on GBS antibodies from 
Novartis. The GBS vaccine program was part of the vaccine portfolio 
for which Intercell had granted license options to Novartis under a 
strategic partnership closed in 2007. This step will trigger a 
recognition of revenue from the upfront option fee received under 
this strategic partnership.
Furthermore, the collaboration with Sanofi Pasteur, to discover and 
develop a vaccine against an un-disclosed bacterial pathogen, has 
been extended in order to define a vaccine candidate for development.
The collaboration with Wyeth to use Intercell's proprietary adjuvant 
IC31® in various bacterial vaccine targets, which are in pre-clinical
development, is progressing well. The collaboration runs under a 
non-exclusive agreement signed in 2006.
"We are very pleased that all our technology partnerships are 
progressing very well," states Gerd Zettlmeissl, Chief Executive 
Officer of Intercell. "This demonstrates that our Antigen 
Identification Program, our adjuvant IC31® and Intercell's new patch 
technology are valuable assets of our Company. Given the richness of 
our pipeline we will even extend our portfolio of product development
alliances where we expect new partnerships in the near future," adds 
Intercell expects revenues and revenue recognition from existing 
technology partnerships to clearly exceed EUR 10m in the fourth 
quarter of 2008.
About Group B Streptococcus
Intercell has identified and validated numerous antigens from Group B
Streptococcus (GBS). The most promising antigens will be refined and 
used to prevent diseases in the most susceptible neonates (not yet 
born and newborn with a weight of less than 1,000 g). In addition, 
antibodies will also be given to neonates who already developed 
diseases caused by GBS. The vaccine is currently in pre-clinical 
GBS causes infections of diverse kind in neonates (not yet born), 
newborns, pregnant women and elderly. An infection can result in lung
inflammation (pneumonia), life-threatening systemic inflammatory 
response syndrome (sepsis) and brain and cerebrospinal fever 
(meningitis). Newborns are at especially high risk for infections and
acquire the infection from their infected mothers, even though the 
mothers may be without symptoms.
About IC31®
Vaccines, based on antigens alone, are not always sufficient to 
provide full protection. Adjuvants are needed to educate the immune 
system to recognize and eliminate the pathogens efficiently.
IC31® is an adjuvant that induces T-cell and B-cell responses by 
using a unique synthetic formulation which combines the 
immunostimulating properties of an anti-microbial peptide, KLK, and 
an immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotide, ODN1a. The two component 
solution can be simply mixed with antigens; no conjugation is 
Intercell currently uses IC31® in collaborations with a number of 
global vaccine companies and biotech companies. These collaborations 
include amongst others the development of a tuberculosis vaccine in 
Phase I clinical trials, which has been partnered with the Danish 
Statens Serum Institut and Sanofi Pasteur.
About Intercell's Antigen Identification Program (AIP®)
The design and development of novel subunit vaccines is highly 
dependent on the identification and characterization of the proper 
antigens. Through AIP® we successfully have identified and refined a 
large number of antigens of numerous bacterial pathogens. The 
selected antibodies are derived from infected or healthy exposed 
individuals and therefore directly mirror the presence, accessibility
and antigenicity of relevant proteins from the particular 
microorganism in its human host. The most promising candidates are 
validated. AIP® has successfully been applied to identify a large 
number of novel antigens from numerous pathogenic organisms including
S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. pneumoniae, S. agalactiae, S. pyogenes,
E. faecalis, K. pneumoniae, Borrelia spp., ETEC, Shigella, C. jejuni,
non-typeable H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis. It has resulted in 
promising in-house product candidates and generated strategic 
About Intercell's vaccine patch technology
Intercell's Vaccine Patch is a new and needle free delivery 
technology which can be used to:
» Enhance the effect of injected vaccines: Vaccine Enhancement   
Patch (VE Patch) » Develop new vaccines which require transcutaneous 
administration because   the antigen can not be delivered safely or 
efficiently through other routes   of administration: Vaccine Patch
The patch technology opens up a new way of vaccine delivery that is 
easier to administer, faster to deliver and can result in lower or 
fewer doses. The patch can boost cellular immunity to a diverse range
of antigens and stimulates both B-cell and T-cell responses. It 
contains the heat labile enterotoxin from E. coli (LT), one of the 
most potent stimulators of the immune system. When the patch is 
applied on the skin, immune stimulants are delivered at the surface 
of the skin to Langerhans cells, a major component of the immune 
systems. The Langerhans cells, activated by the presence of these 
immune stimulants, take up the vaccine antigen and migrate to the 
regional draining lymph nodes. There, presentation to the immune 
system occurs, eliciting a robust immune response.
Compared with standard immunization via needles, the patch technology
has significant benefits. It is easily administered, the antigen and 
adjuvant are directly delivered to the immune system through the 
natural defense pathway, which makes vaccination efficient and 
results in less side effects. The patch has shown excellent local 
tolerability, it is stable at room temperature and strong immune 
stimulants can be used since there is no systemic exposure.
At present, the Vaccine Patch is used in-house for the development of
a novel Travelers' Diarrhea vaccine patch about to enter Phase III 
trials and the Vaccine Enhancement Patch in the development of a 
pandemic Influenza vaccine patch. In addition, the technology is used
in collaboration with Merck & Co., which uses it to conduct 
proof-of-principle pre-clinical studies. Intercell is seeking further
collaborations with leading industry players interested in developing
vaccines where fewer doses are desired, product life-cycle management
is needed or use in immune-compromised patients is required.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-1303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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