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Intercell AG

euro adhoc: Intercell AG
Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes) / Intercell names Reinhard Kandera Chief Financial Officer

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Company Information
Vienna, Austria, March 6, 2009 - Intercell AG (VSE: ICLL) today 
announced that Reinhard Kandera has been appointed as Chief Financial
Officer (CFO). In his new role he will be responsible for the global 
Finance Function and Investor Relations of Intercell AG.
Reinhard Kandera is currently CFO of Intercell´s US subsidiary 
(formerly Iomai Corporation), which was acquired in 2008. He joined 
Intercell in 2001 and has held various positions within  Finance 
including Global Head of Investor Relations and Head of Finance and 
Controlling.  Reinhard Kandera has made pivotal contributions to the 
successful integration of Intercell´s acquisitions in Scotland and in
the USA and has implemented all the strategic funding activities of 
the company. Before joining Intercell he worked for Deutsche Bank AG.
He holds doctorate degrees in both law and finance.
The prior CFO, Werner Lanthaler, will be leaving the company with 
effect from March 6 to join Evotec AG (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EVT;
NASDAQ: EVTC) as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Werner Lanthaler has 
completed a full hand-over of his responsibilities to Reinhard 
Kandera as would be expected given the long, successful working 
relationship between both executives and most friendly nature of the 
Werner Lanthaler contributed significantly to the success of 
Intercell for more than 8 years cumulating in the approval of 
Intercell´s first marketed product. Werner Lanthaler has spearheaded 
a series of excellent strategic partnerships, as well as achieved 
sustainable profitability and a very solid financial situation 
without further funding needs for Intercell. He also made key 
contributions to private venture fund raisings in the early years of 
the company, the IPO in 2005, the strategic alliance with Novartis in
2007 and several transforming strategic initiatives including two 
major acquisitions.
"Werner Lanthaler´s contributions were pivotal to making Intercell 
one of the most successful young biotech companies globally and we 
want to thank him  for his outstanding work. We are glad that he will
continue to be available as a strategic advisor to the company and 
wish him all the best for his future plans", stated Michel Gréco, 
Chairman of the Intercell Supervisory Board
"It has been a great experience for me and the Management Board and 
all employees of Intercell to build the company together with Werner.
We understand and respect his decision  and we would like to express 
our deep gratitude for his outstanding performance. We are very happy
that Reinhard Kandera will now take over the role of the CFO. His 
experience and knowledge of all company processes make him highly 
qualified for the next growth phase of Intercell", stated Gerd 
Zettlmeissl, Chief Executive Officer of Intercell.
"It has always been a privilege to contribute towards making 
Intercell an outstanding player in the global vaccine industry, and I
am convinced that the company is excellently positioned for its next 
successful growth steps. I want to thank my colleagues and especially
our investors and business partners for their strong support over the
past 8 years, which made my time at Intercell a fantastic personal 
and professional experience", stated Werner Lanthaler.
The Management Board of Intercell AG will consist of Gerd Zettlmeissl
(Chief Executive Officer), Thomas Lingelbach (Chief Operating 
Officer) and Alexander von Gabain (Chief Scientific Officer) until 
further appointments will be made.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
P.: +43 1 20620-1303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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