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Intercell AG

EANS-News: Intercell AG
Publication pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 of the Publication Ordinance 2002 INTERCELL AG, ISIN: AT0000612601

Wien (euro adhoc) -

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Since 2002, the shareholders meeting of INTERCELL
AG has issued stock options on a regular basis to members of the 
management board, the supervisory board and employees. According to 
section 98 para 3 and section 159 para 2 lit 3 of the Austrian stock 
corporation act, the management board has published a report on the 
option grant. In connection with the exercise of stock options during
the last exercise window in June/July 2009 the Company intends to use
own shares held as treasury stock, in addition to new shares issued 
from con-ditional capital.
Therefore, the Management Board of Intercell AG has resolved on 17 
July, 2009 in accordance with the resolution of the Supervisory 
Board, dated 19 June, 2009 to transfer own shares held as treasury 
stock, which have been acquired according to the resolutions of the 
Shareholders Meetings held on 24 May, 2002, on 14 July, 2003 and on 1
June 2004, to members of the Supervisory Board of Intercell AG in 
connection with the exercise of stock options.
Based on the above mentioned resolutions of the Shareholders 
Meetings, in which the authorizations to repurchase own shares were 
approved according to Section 65 para 1 lit 4 of the Austrian stock 
corporations act, Intercell AG herewith informs about the upcoming 
trans-fer of 12,500 own shares of common stock with no par value, 
corresponding to 0.03 percent of the share capital of Intercell AG, 
to members of the Supervisory Board of Intercell AG be-tween 24 July,
2009 and 31 July, 2009. The transfer shall be conducted 
over-the-counter at a sales price equivalent to the exercise price of
the stock options ranging from EUR 2.10 to EUR 16.85 per share. The 
transfer shall not affect the admission of shares of Intercell AG at 
the Vienna Stock exchange.
Until now, the following numbers of stock options have been granted 
to members of the Supervisory Board, members of the Management Board,
executive employees and other employees (excluding options that have 
been cancelled):
Beneficiaries   Number of options
Members of the Supervisory Board
Michel Gréco                               41,250
Ernst Afting                               41,250
David Ebsworth                             40,000
James R. Sulat                             42,500
Hans Wigzell                               37,500
Mustapha Leavenworth Bakali                40,000
Members of the Management Board
Gerd Zettlmeissl                          403,250
Alexander von Gabain                      363,500
Werner Lanthaler (until March 6, 2009)     64,125
Thomas Lingelbach                         260,000
Executive employees                       773,525
Other employees                           234,945
Employees of subsidiaries                 665,625
Total                                    3,007,470
According to Section 7 para 2 in connection with Section 5 para 4 of 
the Publication Ordenance 2002 Intercell AG informs, that the 
disclosure obligation according to Section 7 of the Publication 
Ordenance 2002 (completion of the transfer) shall be effected via the
internet. The information according to Section 7 of the Publication 
Ordenance 2002 shall be posted on the webpage of Intercell AG under
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Gerald Strohmaier
Head of Corporate Finance & IR
Tel. +43 1 20620-1229

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wien / official market

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Plus de actualités: Intercell AG