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Appear Networks

Leading European Public Transportation Operators Gather in Stockholm to Explore Future of Wireless Broadband Technologies

Stockholm, Sweden (ots/PRNewswire)

- Innovative Summit Hosted by Appear Networks on behalf of
@Anyplace  Access Consortium Provides Collaborative Forum for
European Public  Transport Industry
Hosted by the Stockholm Public Transport Authority and Connex
Transport, organised by Appear Networks on behalf of the @Anyplace
Access Consortium, the first WiFi@Transportation Summit brought
together over 40  participants from major European public
transportation operators to explore  the impact of the latest
wireless broadband technologies and related  business cases on the
transportation industry today, and for the future.
The WiFi@Transportation Summit featured several high profile WiFi
deployment case studies that provided attendees with detailed
presentations  from transportation operators regarding business
strategies for deploying  wireless broadband technologies as well as
the impact of the deployments on  employees and passengers.
Presenting companies included: Stockholm Public  Transport Authority
(SL) in cooperation with Connex Transport (Stockholm  Subway
operator), Paris Local Transport Authority (RATP), the real estate
owner of the Swedish Railway Stations (Jernhusen), Dutch Railroad
(NS) and  Metro de Madrid. Technology partners included Cisco, Intel,
Capgemini,  Fujitsu-Siemens, Aptilo, The Cloud and Appear Networks.
The Stockholm Subway conducted a live on-site demonstration of its
wireless broadband deployment which utilises the Appear Networks
wireless  communication platform. The demonstration highlighted how
frontline  Stockholm Subway employees equipped with a handheld device
can instantly  access context-aware safety and security applications
as well as real-time  traffic information. The employee's precise
location in the WiFi network is  recognised within a few meters, and
based upon this precise positioning,  personalised, location-specific
information requested by the employee is  transmitted.
Björn Dalborg, Director at Stockholm Public Transport Authority
and  President of the Association of European Metropolitan Transport
Authorities  (EMTA), commented "This summit was a fantastic
opportunity for SL and  Connex to discuss strategies with our
European colleagues and initiate  collaborations around multimodal
information". He added "We looked beyond  technical requirements of
WiFi, WiMAX, UMTS and related broadband wireless  technologies in
order to focus on how to really use these technologies to  drive
efficiency gains, yield cost savings and generate additional
Matt Crayton, Head of IT Infrastructure at English Welsh and
Scottish  Railway added: "It was a great event. We genuinely didn't
realise there was  so much innovation out there, and being used, not
just for the sake of  being innovative, but to deliver real
competitive advantage and cost  savings. It was really eye opening."
An increasing number of European public transport companies are
adopting wireless broadband for their enterprise needs, focusing on
operational excellence and customer intimacy. Wireless broadband
technologies have proven to be a great vector of operational
processes  optimisation and offer rapid returns on investment. This
is especially  relevant for the public transportation industry, where
enterprise wireless  applications result in significant bottom-line
Dave Lynch, Group Technology Director at Go-Ahead Group plc,
explained:  "With Go-Ahead's broad range of experience in the
transport sector, we are  at the forefront of the integrated
transport debate. We are particularly  interested in the @Anyplace
Access approach because it has the potential to  improve the link
between public and private transport and to span across  our existing
operations in the bus, rail and aviation sectors, in order to
increase the number of passengers travelling annually with Go-Ahead."
Xavier Aubry, VP EMEA Operations at Appear Networks, commented
"This  event provided a forum to collaborate on important issues
facing  transportation operators deploying wireless broadband
technologies today.  We believe the WiFi@Transportation Summit is the
first step towards the  creation of a Wireless Broadband Transport
Association in Europe." Added  Pieter Zylstra, Head of Capgemini's
Global WiFi Initiatives: "The Summit  clearly demonstrated the
positive impact and the importance of industry- wide collaboration on
deploying innovative wireless technologies."
A media kit concerning the WiFi@Transportation Summit can be found
About Appear Networks: Appear Networks is a leading provider of
wireless communication platforms that enable successful enterprise
mobility  solutions. The Appear IQ suite of products transforms
standard wireless  data networks into multimedia channels for the
proactive delivery of  personalised, real-time information,
mission-critical video and VoIP  communication to mobile workers. In
highly demanding mobile environments,  Appear IQ makes technology
accessible and intuitive, leveraging existing IT  investments to
maximise employee productivity and the effectiveness of  customer
interactions. Appear IQ is used by leaders in the transportation,
telecommunication and public sector, including, among others,
Stockholm  Public Transport Authority (SL), Paris Local Transport
Authority (RATP),  Connex, France Telecom and the City of Kista,
Sweden. Appear Networks  partners with IT industry leaders Cisco,
Capgemini, Intel and Fujitsu- Siemens Computers to deliver
innovative, end-to-end, integrated WLAN  solutions. The company is
privately held and headquartered in Stockholm,  Sweden. For more
information, please visit us at
About SL and Connex Transport AB: The responsibility for a well-
functioning public transport system in the Stockholm Region lies on
Stockholm Transport (SL). It is the duty of Stockholm Transport to
develop  and find new solutions for the public transport systems. In
addition,  Stockholm Transport controls the contractors' execution of
the public  transport, and makes sure that they follow the
agreements. Connex Transport  AB is one of Europe's leading private
passenger transportation companies  with 24,160 employees and
approximately 1,376 million euro in annual  turnover 2003. Connex
Transport AB operates public transportation services  on a
contractual basis in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia,
Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the Czech
Republic,  Switzerland and Slovenia.
About the @Anyplace Access Consortium:
Developed by Capgemini, @Anyplace Access is a fully secure,
end-to-end,  integrated WiFi platform solution based upon open
standards technology from  Cisco and Intel, and a portfolio of
innovative value-added solutions from  Appear Networks, Aptilo
Networks, Birdstep and The Cloud. The @Anyplace  Access solution
enables enterprises building integrated WiFi service  platforms to
easily layer second generation enterprise mobility solutions  and
branded revenue-generating public WiFi services onto their platforms,
maximising the profitability of their investment.


Press contact : Mia Falgard, Appear Networks, Tel: +46-854-591-370,

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