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BWT Aktiengesellschaft

euro adhoc: BWT Aktiengesellschaft
quarterly or semiannual financial statement / BWT posts sales and earnings increase after three quarters

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Sales: EUR 361.9 million, +1.8% y.o.y. Consolidated BWT Group sales
rose in the first nine months of 2005 as against the previous year
from EUR 355.3 million to EUR 361.9 million (+1.8%). The Aqua Ecolife
Technologies segment recorded a decline of 0.4% to EUR 233.8 million.
The Aqua Systems Technologies industrial segment, which was legally
spun off after the end of the third quarter on November 8 and floated
on the Vienna Stock Exchange under the name "CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY
AG" grew by 7.9% to EUR 127.6 million. The Fuel Cell Membrane
Technologies segment generated sales of EUR 0.5 million (PY: EUR 2.2
million). In the third quarter, sales totaled EUR 116.0 million,
thereby rising by 3.0% as against 2004 (PY: EUR 112.6 million).
Segment                                1 - 9 / 2005 1 - 9 / 2004 + / - %
Aqua Ecolife Technologies (AET)        233.8        234.8        -0.4%
Aqua Systems Technologies (AST)        127.6        118.3        +7.9%
Fuel Cell Membrane Technologies (FCMT) 0.5          2.2          -77.3%
Total                                  361.9        355.3        +1.8%
Order Book: EUR 174.5 million +53.8% y.o.y. Order Intake: EUR 412.7
million, +13.4% y.o.y. As of September 30, 2005, the order book of
the BWT Group amounted to EUR 174.5 million, thereby increasing by
53.8% as against the same date of the previous year. Incoming orders
grew by 13.4% to EUR 412.7 million.
EBIT: EUR 22.8 million, +5.8% y.o.y. Consolidated earnings: EUR 15.8
million, +31.8% y.o.y. As a result of the turnaround in the AST
segment in particular EBIT increased by 5.8% to EUR 22.8 million,
accounting for 6.3% of sales (PY: 6.1%). The AET segment posted an
EBIT margin of 9.4%; the margin for the AST segment was 1.1%. At EUR
21.8 million, earnings before taxes were up 7.9% on the previous
year's figure of  EUR 20.3 million. Consolidated earnings after
minorities increased by 31.8% to EUR 15.8 million, earnings per share
amounted to EUR 0.88 (PY: EUR 0.67).
Cash flow from the result: EUR 23.5 million (PY: EUR 21.2 million)
Gearing: 50.3% (PY: 60.3%) The rise in consolidated earnings
increased the cash flow from the result by 10.8% from EUR 21.2
million to  EUR 23.5 million in the first nine months, the cash flow
from operations declined from EUR 20.1 million in the previous year
to EUR 11.9 million. At around EUR 75.0 million, the net debt of the
BWT Group remained constant as against the end of the last financial
year, while gearing declined year-on-year from 60.3% to 50.3% as a
result of the higher Group equity figure of EUR 149.1 million.
Investments in tangible and intangible assets rose by EUR 2.2 million
to EUR 6.9 million year-on-year.
As of September 30, the number of employees in the BWT Group
increased by 137 people year-on-year from 2,723 to 2,860. The rise in
staff numbers in the AET segment relates largely to the expansion of
servicing activities in France, while the focus in the AST segment
was on the further internationalization of operations (Asia, South
Africa, and the US).
Outlook As forecast, BWT will generate sales of more than EUR 500
million and earnings of more than EUR 20 million. The increase in
sales and earnings is driven by extremely encouraging developments
and the successful turnaround in the AST segment, but is
unfortunately muted by weak sales and declining earnings development
in the AET segment. The BWT Management Board is forecasting a return
to clear growth in the AET segment as well from the second half of
Events after the balance sheet date On November 8, 2005, the spin-off
of CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY AG from BWT Aktiengesellschaft became
legally valid by way of its entry in the commercial register. CHRIST
WATER TECHNOLOGY AG reports separately on the development of business
in the first nine months in a pro forma interim report
BWT’s Letter to Shareholders on the 3rd quarter 2005 can be
downloaded from
Company profile:
BWT Best Water Technology today is the leading European water
technology group, comprising more than 30 companies over 2,000
employees. BWT devotes its efforts to the entire water cycle, "from
source back to earth". With its business segment Aqua Ecolife
Technologies, the Group offers customised, sustainable products and
solutions in the areas of drinking water, swimming pool water,
process water and waste water for individual homes, hotels, industry,
and municipalities. With its second business segment Fuel Cell
Membrane Technologies, BWT is well positioned as a premier supplier
of innovative membranes for fuel cells.
More information on BWT Best Water Technology can be downloaded from
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 30.11.2005 08:00:00

Further inquiry note:

A-5310 Mondsee, Austria, Walter-Simmer-Strasse 4
Simone Spitzbart, Investor Relations
Tel. +43 6232 5011-1130, Fax. +43 6232 5011-1196, E-Mail:

Branche: Water Supply
ISIN: AT0000737705
WKN: 884042
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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Plus de actualités: BWT Aktiengesellschaft